You think you have been eating the right foods; low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. You have even committed to exercising three, four, five, maybe even six times per week…but when you look in the mirror, you just don’t have the look you want. Well, you’re not alone.The compulsive desire of Americans to be “thin and beautiful” results in the spending of more than $50 billion dollars each year on diet programs and related products. Furthermore, for the last decade, the American population has been informed that a “healthy diet” should consist of 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 30% fat. Ironically, the United States is now considered to have the highest percentage of overweight and obese individuals in the world! Is it possible that these so-called “healthy diets” combined with info-miracle weight loss programs are the very reasons why Americans are repeatedly unsuccessful at getting in shape –and more importantly staying in shape?

Let’s start with the facts!

In recent years, the Health Science Industry has uncovered an abundance of substantial and conclusive evidence indicating that the foods we eat combined with the type and amount of exercise we engage in each day has a tremendous effect on the regulatory systems of our bodies which directly control and influence the rate at which we build muscle and burn fat!

Research says the food we eat triggers a powerful hormonal response, which determines whether we burn excess body fat as fuel or store as energy. The reason high carbohydrate meals and/or snacks make losing body fat more difficult is directly related to the hormonal effects that carbohydrate rich foods have on the regulatory systems of the body! When foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, breads, cereal, fruit, & other refined foods, are eaten in disproportionately high amounts, they encourage a tremendous release of insulin (a fat storing hormone).

One of insulin’s principle functions is to store body fat and inhibit its breakdown and release to be used as an energy source. Insulin also plays a major role in lowering blood sugar, which in turn increases sugar and food cravings, thus causing this perpetual cycle to repeat itself several times throughout the day.

The Magic Pill

It would be great to wake up some day and learn that science has revealed the “Magic Pill”…you know, the one that everybody in the world is determined to some day find enabling them to achieve the body they’ve always dreamed of. Unfortunately, this will never happen because it is not a formula or ingredient found in a pill that the body needs in order to burn fat and build muscle efficiently, it is machinery, or more specifically metabolic machinery that enables the body to breakdown fat and use it as a source of fuel. Metabolic machinery consists of INTRA-CELLULAR components such as mitochondrion, fat burning enzymes, capillaries etc.. which can only be manufactured by the body as a result of engaging in regular and consistent daily exercise combined with eating the proper amount and types of food at each meal throughout the day. This may seem like a difficult task, however, it is really very easy to do once you know how.

Individualized Nutrition & Exercise Guidelines

It is no secret that we are all individuals with very different and unique nutritional requirements, food preferences, fitness goals, etc. As a result, we each need to adhere to very specific nutrition and exercise guidelines that will enable our bodies to perform optimally on a day-to-day basis. Once we become compliant to the proper number of calories and ratio of complete protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, combined with the proper amount and type of exercise, we will easily be able to achieve and maintain our desired health & fitness goals!

Reprogramming Our Bodies

Since we know there is NO MAGIC PILL and never will be, it is important to understand the reality associated with achieving and maintaining any desired health & fitness goal. The fact is, it does take time and effort to get in shape and stay in shape. If it were anything else but hard work, everybody on the planet would have the look they want!

Respect Yourself and Others Will Do The Same

If you’ve ever been in the presence of someone like Clark Bartram, Monica Brandt or some other famous athlete of fitness model, you can’t help but respect the amount of tireless effort and tenacity that these individuals put forth each day of their lives in order to achieve and maintain their desired health & fitness goals. Unlike someone who has gained a tremendous amount of wealth or fortune, athletes maintain a level of accomplishment, commitment and respect that money will never buy.

It is time to decide for yourself whether or not you want to put forth the effort necessary to achieve your ultimate health & fitness goals. If you do decide to commit, the only thing standing between you and your ultimate body is your level of compliance everything else you need in the way of information and guidance can be found at

If you decide NOT to commit, remember that yet another day of potentially looking, living and feeling better has passed you by and you may never have the chance to make it up!

In Summary

Although there are perhaps many reasons why we are still fat, there is simply NO REASON why we shouldn’t begin to optimize our eating and exercise habits so that in time, our bodies begin to reprogram themselves to be fit and lean for the rest of our lives!

Remember “Commitment is doing the very thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has gone!” 

Questions? Email me at gladiator@intrafitt.com  Need an individual nutrition and exercise program…visit www.intrafitt.com

In health and honor,
William Smith aka Thunder of the American Gladiator Days!

Nutrition: Are All Calories The Same?

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to continue on today talking about Nutrition in the  Simplest Form. Basically, there are six essential nutrients that the human   body requires to keep it nourished and healthy. These include Protein,   Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Walter. The term “essential” is   used to describe these nutrients because they must be provided to the body in   order to sustain life and to prevent a deficient or diseased state. Of the   six nutrients listed, only three provide energy to the body, while the other   three help to release energy inside the cells. Typically, these two   categories of essential nutrients are referred to as the Macro-Nutrients (energy   providing nutrients needed by the body in larger amounts)and Micro-Nutrients (energy   releasing nutrients needed by the body in smaller amounts).

 The Macro-Nutrients, when metabolized provide energy and   heat, which are used to support all of the metabolic functions (heart   beat, digestion, muscle contraction, concentration and comprehension) of   the body and mind. The fuel potential of the energy nutrients is expressed   in calories Just as a meter is a measure of distance, a calorie   is a measure of energy and is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise   one milliliter of water one degree centigrade. Therefore foods that are high   in calories (dried fruits and nuts) are also high in energy, whereas foods   that are low in calories (strawberries, melons and vegetables) are low in   energy as well. Perhaps this is one reason why people who eat low-calorie   foods to lose weight have little to no energy to exercise in the course of   their day.

 You might wonder where calories are derived from. If you look   at this question from the standpoint that a calorie is defined as the total   amount of heat energy needed to raise one milliliter of water one degree   Celsius, then YES all calories when oxidized yield the same amount of heat   energy. Perhaps the question should be “are all calorie sources the   same?”

 Take for example the two individuals illustrated below. Each   individual has a recommended calorie intake of 520 calories per meal and both   eat the exact same foods within the meal. The difference however, is that   they each eat varying amounts of the food items listed and as a result end up   producing a very different endocrinological response. In other words, the   regulatory effect associated with the different amount and types of food   eaten can have a favorable or unfavorable influence on the metabolic process   and can last for three to six hours after a meal.

 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 6 oz Chicken breast: 186

7 oz Yams: 210

1 Tbs Peanut butter: 100

3 oz Broccoli 24

 Total: 520 


 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 8 oz Chicken breast: 248

2oz Yams: 60

2 Tbs Peanut butter: 200

1.5 oz Broccoli 12

 Total: 520 

 Now lets assume that the same two individuals perform   cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes later that evening. As illustrated   below, Individual #1 exercises within his/her target heart rate while   Individual #2 exercises above his/her target heart rate. Although Individual   #2 likely burned more total calories than Individual #1 at the end of the   thirty minute session, they both theoretically burned the same amount of fat   calories.

 Some would argue that exercising at an intensity that is above   the recommended training sensitive zone (for fat burning) is more beneficial   because a higher number of calories are burned at the end of an equivalent   exercise duration. This is perhaps true, however, exercising at high   intensity, although may burn more calories, will more than likely train the   body to become more efficient at burning sugar than fat and may very well   promote hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) symptoms that can ensue for up to   twelve hours after the exercise session has ended. That is one of the reasons   I always recommend wearing a heart rate monitor when exercising.


Individual #1

Calories Burned: 1000

Fat Burned: 60% @600/cal

Sugar Burned: 40% @400/cal

 Individual #2

Calories Burned: 1500

Fat Burned: 40% @ 600/cal

Sugar Burned: 60% @900/cal

 For your own Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program,   please visit us at www.intrafitt.com

In good health,

William Smith, AKA Thunder of the American Gladiators

Cholesterol…The Derived Fat

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

The concern with eating a lot of saturated fats is the related cholesterol content associated with these foods (egg yolks, butter, cream, beef, etc.).  Although cholesterol has received as much bad press as dietary fats, it is a much-needed substance by the body; so much so, that the liver is capable of manufacturing fifty trillion molecules of this compound per second.  Cholesterol is a fatty like substance which belongs to a group of fats known as sterols or steroids, and unlike most lipids is a precursor to all the steroid hormones such as testosterone, cortisone and even vitamin D.  Although the body can produce its own cholesterol from components of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids, the rate of biosynthesis can be altered by the amount of dietary cholesterol, carbohydrates and saturated fats eaten.  In other words, when the intake of dietary cholesterol increases, cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver is reduced.  This is similar to the “down regulation” and “negative feedback” properties associated with hormone production in the body.  In other words, when the body is receiving adequate amounts of cholesterol through the diet, hepatic formation is reduced.  If on the other hand, dietary cholesterol is restricted beyond that the body feels is necessary, intrahepatic enzymes will activate the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol in order to supply the cells of the body with this intrinsic compound.  It is because of this homeostatic ability by the liver that it may be difficult to control serum cholesterol levels through dietary efforts alone.

Be sure to visit me at our website:  www.intrafitt.com or email me anytime at gladiator@intrafitt.com!  I would especially like to hear from you if you are trying to reconcile diabetes or any other health-related disease!

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators


William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dietary fat is perhaps the most complex of the three energy nutrients in terms of its diversity and function in human metabolism.  In order to truly understand the role that this essential nutrient plays in health, fitness and performance, it is important to understand the varying types of dietary fat as well as the different biological forms of fat that is stored and used within the body.  To begin our discussion, lets review some of the reasons why fat has received so much bad press over the last decade.  As mentioned earlier, the United States currently has the highest incidence of obesity compared to any other country in the world.  Furthermore, heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer as well as a number of other chronic and degenerative diseases have continued to escalate among the American population.  Due to the prevalence of these alleged preventable diseases, health organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society have produced a number of reports to help educate people about the risk factors associated with the excessive consumption of certain types of dietary fats.

Interestingly enough, there is now a considerable amount of controversy among the scientific community as to whether or not problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and obesity are truly a direct result of consuming and/or over consuming dietary fat, sugar, or a combination of both.

So, should we eliminate fats completely? 
Aside from the many reasons that we have been told to minimize and/or avoid the use of fats, there are just as many reasons, if not more, to consider re-introducing them into our regular meal plans  For example, not only are lipids (fats) necessary for the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K, they also help to regulate and control blood sugar (by controlling the emptying time of the stomach), and help to prolong a satisfied feeling of fullness after a meal.

You may ask what other benefits do dietary fats provide.   Well, in our next column  we will begin discussing the different types of dietary fats and the characteristics they possess.

In health and honor,
William Smith aka/Thunder

TO REPROGRAM YOUR BODY TO BE FIT AND LEAN FOR LIFE………..visit our website at www.intrafitt.com
Contact me with any questions to gladiator@intrafitt.com

Till next time……………….remember your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is on loan only.



The Vegetarian Diet for Health, Fitness and Performance

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

It is important to realize that people choose to follow vegetarian diets for a variety of reasons.  Many individuals today have taken a humane approach to diet and have opted to eliminate any and all animal products from their meal plans.  These individuals are referred to as Strict Vegans and obtain their nutrients from cereals, nuts, seeds, plants, grains and vegetables.  Others to a lesser extent feel that the consumption of animal derived foods such as eggs are an acceptable alternative; these individuals are known as Ovovegetarians.  The Lactovegetarian is one who will consume dairy products such as mild cheese and yogurt on a regular basis.  The Ovolactovegetarian consumes eggs and dairy products as part of their vegetarian approach.

Perhaps the most common approach to a vegetarian lifestyle is the Semivegetarian who for a variety of reasons has decided to eliminate all red meat while maintaining a diet that includes chicken, turkey and fish.  Finally, there are Pescovegetarians who eat fish but not poultry as part of their vegetarian regime.  No matter what the reasons are behind these dietary decisions, it is the responsibility of the nutrition and fitness specialist to understand the benefits and adversities related to these eating regimens, as nutrient deficiencies may occur if the diet is not properly planned.  As is the case with the strict-vegan, vitamin D and B12 may be deficient in the diet since these vitamins are not found in plants and vegetables.  Therefore, the strict vegan will need to consume products such as soy milk or a breakfast cereal that is fortified with vitamin D and B12.  Another alternative would be to use a dietary supplement. 

Mineral deficiencies such as iron, calcium and zinc may also occur in the strict vegan’s diet.  During the digestion of certain plant foods, compounds known as phytates and oxalates may form and bind to these minerals preventing them from being absorbed properly into the body.  As a result, plant foods rich in these particular minerals should be consumed on a regular basis and can be obtained from foods such as nuts, beans, broccoli, cabbage, whole wheat bread, peas and corn.

In strength and honor,
William “Billy” Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

For your individual nutrition and exercise program, visit us at www.intrafitt.com

Unlike all other commercial and independent diet and exercise programs in the world that encourage you to cut calories and increase your daily activity in an effort to promote weight loss (through a negative calorie balance) so that when you eventually gain all of the weight back; you will need to repeat the entire process again and again and again!  INTRAFITT (INTRA-Cellular Fitness) is a comprehensive Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program designed to teach you exactly How, What, When and Why to Eat, Exercise and Channel your Thoughts in order to achieve stable blood sugar and promote a favorable hormonal response.  This process in of itself directly influences the physchoneuroendocrinoimmunological (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunological) system of the body to promote the efficient wasting of excess energy (stored body fat) while simultaneously accelerating the synthesis of new biological proteins and lean body mass which inadvertently increases the metabolic rate thus making it virtually impossible for the body to store fat ever again!

 While this may seem like a mouthful…it is a fact!  “The INTRAFITT Program and Curriculum has NO Equal and is without question a program and curriculum that every living, breathing individual desiring to live life to the fullest should participate in!  There are NO Exceptions to this Rule!

Fiber vs Fat: The Regulation of Digestion and Blood Sugar

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Among other benefits, dietary fiber has also been shown to actually slow the rate of digestion, which in itself can have a number of independent health implications.  For many years now, dietary fats have played an integral role in therapeutic and performance nutrition as a regulatory agent in the process of digestion.  The inhibitory effect that dietary fats have on the release of hydrochloric acid has been shown to prolong the emptying time of the stomach, therefore increasing satiety while controlling the rate at which food enters the blood stream via the liver.  As presented in the article entitled “Insulin Resistance: A New Paradigm for Medical Nutrition Therapy and Nutrition Education”, by  the American Dietetic Association in 1995 Fall Volume of SCAN’s Pulse, it was suggested that dietary fat should make up no less than 20% of the total calories at each meal in order to encourage satiety and to help manage postprandial hyperinsulinemia and associated dyslipidemia.  This concept has caused a considerable amount of controversy regarding the pros and cons of consuming dietary fats.

Although dietary fiber may not exert the same actions on the digestive process as dietary fats, fiber has been shown to slow the process of digestion and even decrease the rate of intestinal absorption therefore helping to regulate the release of insulin and its consequential effects on blood sugar.

In regards to how much fiber should be included in your diet, the recommended fiber intake per day is 20-35 grams in a ratio of 3:1 water-insoluble to water-soluble.  Furthermore, as with all other nutrients, fiber intake should be derived from whole natural foods and not synthetic products such as those found in over the counter dietary fiber supplements and laxatives.

Here is a list of some fiber rich foods to include in your daily diet: freeze-dried parsley, lima beans (dried), All Bran, red kidney beans, garbanzo beans, plain popped corn, oats, split peas, lentils, dried figs, whole wheat crackers, dried prunes, light rye toast, whole wheat, apples, baked potatoes with skin and lettuce.

Visit us on the web at www.intrafitt.com 

Who are we? 

INTRAFITT (INTRA-Cellular Fitness) is a comprehensive Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program designed to teach you exactly How, What, When and Why to eat and exercise in order to completely and entirely “Re-Program” your Mind, Body & Spirit to be Fit, Healthy and Strong for Life!

In health and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Full Range Contractions

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Full Range Contractions are the foundation to building muscle quickly and efficiently!  Often times in today’s health & fitness publications we read articles directly associating muscular strength and size with heavy weight training.  It is important to realize that although resistance is an important factor in developing muscular strength and hypertrophy it is NOT the “limiting factor”.  Instead, the most important element is an increase in the tension of force that a muscle must generate.  This is accomplished by using a strength training application referred to as “FULL RANGE CONTRACTIONS”. 

For example, when performing a biceps curl, consciously contract your biceps at the beginning of the exercise and hold the contraction as hard as you can while you perform each repetition of the exercise throughout the full range of motion.  By integrating this applied science you will automatically increase the number of contracting fibers involved in the movement, subsequently increasing the force generating capacity (strength) of the biceps and therefore allowing for the use of heavier weights.  The consistent use of Full Range Contractions with all of your strength training exercises will inevitably accelerate muscular growth and hypertrophy while dramatically reducing the risk of injury.

Another way to explain the effects of Full Range Contractions is in the analogy of a closet door that is stuck and will not open.  In order to open the door, one of two methods can be used.  The first method involves gently placing your hands on the door, then slowly beginning to push until you are pushing with all of your effort.  Although the door may not open, the muscles being used to push on the door are most likely generating maximum force (which in turn promotes and accelerates muscular strength and hypertrophy).  On the other hand, if you took a couple of steps away from the door and got a running start, the power and momentum of your body mass, once you hit the door would generate enough force to open the door.  Unfortunately, the muscles did not directly generate the force.  Instead, speed and momentum were the force generating factors.  This is essentially what is happening when speed, momentum and leverage are used to swing, bounce or hoist a particular weight (sometimes referred to as Explosive Training) in an attempt to increase the size and strength of a muscle.

In summary, muscular growth and strength does not occur efficiently as a result of using momentum or by swinging heavy weights up and down through a specific movement.  Instead, it is an increase in the tension or force that a muscle must generate throughout the entire range of motion during any given exercise.  There is a significant difference between a muscle generating force and a muscle swinging heavy weights.  Although “Explosive Training” may have its advantages for certain athletes, it is not recommended for building and strengthening the muscles efficiently and may very well cause severe injuries.

Visit us at www.intrafitt.com or email me with questions to gladiator@intrafitt.com

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

The Importance of Exercise for Weight Control & Optimal Health

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Exercise is without a doubt a major ingredient in the “fat burning recipe”.  The other major ingredient, proper nutrition, will most likely never be effective by itself.

Unsuccessful attempts at reducing body fat continue to prevail and are largely due to an inadequate approach to exercise.  Even today with a suggested exercise pyramid, obesity and other chronic and degenerative diseases continue to escalate.  Just as we concern ourselves with nutrient deficiencies that can ultimately lead to death under extreme conditions, exercise deficiencies associated with an inactive lifestyle are not being linked to a number of severe physiological and psychological health problems such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, intestinal disorders, accelerated bone loss, muscle atrophy, insomnia, and many others.  Studies comparing fitness and mortality have concluded that even moderate levels of activity appear to offer protective agents against early mortality.  Unfortunately, the value of exercise has been extremely underrated in the United States as less than half of the population participates in regular exercise each day.  Other reasons supporting a sedentary lifestyle include finding time to exercise with a busy schedule, viewing exercise as an additional task to an already work filled day and the misconceptions that exercise causes slower weight loss.

From the standpoint of taking the easy road, the most difficult task in rearranging a daily routine is to replace conveniences with tasks that require effort.  Regardless of the above reasons not to exercise, there are a number of compelling reasons to begin and maintain an effective exercise program.  Of chief importance is the fact that a regular and properly conducted exercise program can significantly decrease body fat stores.  Furthermore, regular exercise helps to maintain lean muscle mass, increase the metabolic rate, accelerate fat burning enzymes (located in muscle tissue) and promote biochemical and intra-muscular changes which are essential for long-term weight management.

To put things in perspective, consider this that excess body fat may have relatively little to do with the total amount of food eaten; instead, it appears that the amount of fat that the human body is able to store and conserve may be directly related to the amount of daily physical activity that the body is forced to engage in.  Take for example wild animals which are both active and lean, when placed in cages and fed the same amount of food they are accustomed to eating, they inevitably become fatter.

Similar changes are seen in people who are assigned desk jobs after having been physically active most of their lives.  Consequently, people who do not participate in regular exercise progressively become fatter regardless of whether they restrict their food intake or not.  Increased activity also promotes an increased metabolic rate which may stay elevated for several hours following prolonged exercise.  This makes the exercising person a high calorie burner with an increased ability to waste excess energy as opposed to the sedentary person whose body conserves energy at every opportunity.

Inactivity may not be the only reason that the body is able to efficiently store fat.  Severe calorie restriction in itself can promote the storage of body fat through a process called gluconeogenesis (the process of converting protein to glucose).  During this process, body proteins are actually dismantled to be used for energy in the place of much needed calories.  As a result, a person who loses twenty pounds of body weight by restricting calories may lose as much as ten pounds of lean body mass.  This may look like a positive result as measured by the scale, however, a loss of lean muscle tissue can greatly decrease the body’s ability to burn fat.  Remember that fat is primarily burned inside the muscles.  Ultimately, if the main objective is to lose body fat, it is far more important to be concerned with the loss of body fat (as discerned by skin fold thickness), not body weight.

In good health and happiness,
Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

 Please visit us on the web at www.intrafitt.com to learn how to reprogram your body to be fit and lean for life! 

Interested in becoming a licensed trainer…visit us on the web at www.intrafitt.com for a list of our certification programs.

All questions can be directed to gladiator@intrafitt.com



William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,

Anytime that you feel like your rate of progress is slowing down and/or feel tired, lethargic and crave sugar, most likely you are “out of step” with one or more of the SIX ELEMENTS OF FITNESS.  To make certain that you are within the guidelines of your recommended INTRAFITT Nutrition and Exercise parameters, use the following checklist each day as a reference.

  1. Have you maintained your recommended calorie intake at each meal throughout the day?
  2. Have you been eating the proper ratio of complete protein, carbohydrates and fats (as recommended by your INTRAFITT Nutrition Program) at each meal throughout the day?
  3. Do all of your meals consist of whole natural foods instead of meal replacement bars and shakes?
  4. Are you eating a meal that is structured within your recommended dietary parameters every 3-4 hours throughout the day?
  5. Are you engaging in cardiovascular exercise at least 4 times per week for thirty minutes each session in your target heart rate?
  6. Are you incorporating proper biomechanics, full range contractions and anatomical focal points into your strength training program?

If you answered NO to any of the above questions, do the best you can to comply with the items of concern.  If necessary, consult your INTRAFITT Counselor for helpful suggestions.

If you don’t have your very own customized nutrition program, visit us at www.intrafitt.com right now and get onboard.  You’ll be glad you did.  Eat your own food and we promise you, you will NOT be hungry!  Eat your way to reprogramming  your body to be fit and lean for life!  Give me a call anytime.

In good health and honor,
William Smith, aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators


To Lose Weight and Tone Up, Proper Calorie Intake is Essential!

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,  I’d like to begin discussing the Six Elements of Fitness with the very first element being proper calorie intake.  These Elements of Fitness must be considered in order to achieve any health and fitness-related goal.  Why?  The reason is simple.  The human body is made up of several systems and sub-systems, all of which require a certain amount of fuel in order to function efficiently.  For example, the brain and nervous system require a constant and steady supply of glucose, which is primarily derived from the carbohydrate rich foods that we eat on a daily basis.  If glucose is not readily available to these organ systems, neural and hormonal messages are sent throughout the body, causing several adverse effects to take place.  The most significant and immediate effect resulting from this state of low blood sugar, is a condition known as “hypoglycemia”.  This condition often times results from one or more of the following:

  • Skipping meals
  • Waiting too long between meals
  • Severely restricting calories (in order to encourage weight loss)
  • Exercising for a long period of time (usually at too high of an intensity)
  • Consistently eating meals that are disproportionately high in carbohydrates

Consequently, hypoglycemic symptoms such as hunger, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, depression and anxiety will most likely occur.  Secondary effects resulting from repetitive periods of low blood sugar, which are perhaps more damaging in the long term yet show no immediate physiological and/or psychological signs, include:

  • Elevated set-point (also referred to as the “fat thermostat”)
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased cravings for high calorie and sugary foods (such as chocolate)
  • Increased body fat conservation

The resulting factor of these secondary hypoglycemic effects are a decreased rate of fat metabolism and an increased rate of fat storage.  Furthermore, when these vital systems (the brain and nervous system) are repeatedly subjected to conditions of hypoglycemia, the body recognizes the need to “lighten the load” in the sense that any energy-consuming tissue (lean muscle tissue) may ultimately be eliminated resulting in rapid weight loss.

It is important to understand that lean muscle tissue is the engine of the body, whereas fat tissue (which provides the most concentrated source of fuel to the muscles) is the fuel tank.  In other words, body fat is typically burned in muscle tissue.  Therefore, the more conditioned muscle tissue your body has, the more fat it will burn.  Unfortunately, individuals desiring to obtain a lean tone look, once they have lowered their body weight, nay find that they have only become a smaller version of themselves because the weight they lost may have been as much as 50% lean body mass.

Remember that proper calorie intake provides the foundation of every successful nutrition regimen and is essential when trying to obtain any fitness and conditioning objective effectively.  It is also important to realize that proper calorie intake should be established on a meal-by-meal basis, not on a daily basis.  This is paramount because the body’s hormonal systems (the systems which directly control fat metabolism) can be favorably influenced for three to six hours after each meal.  Therefore, it would not make sense to eat a varying number of calories throughout the day, as this would most likely cause erratic blood sugar levels and consequent sugar cravings and related hypoglycemic symptoms.

Until next time……why not visit us at www.intrafitt.com and sign up for your individual nutrition plan.

In good health,

William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators