For Health, Fitness & Performance…Lesson #1

Dear Friends, yesterday I suggested to you that the most important thing you could do to begin to be fit and lean for life is to stabilize your blood sugar.  Well, allow me to explain further:


Lesson #1:

Stable Blood Sugar is “The Limiting Factor” associated with the Acquisition and Maintenance of Any and All Health, Fitness and Performance Related Goals!”

No matter what your Health, Fitness and/or Performance related goals happen to be, you must first learn how to achieve and maintain stable blood sugar from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night! Why?! The answer is simple. Your brain and nervous system is considered the “Paramount” regulatory system of your body. This simply means that every organ, system and cell in your body is directly controlled and influenced by your brain and nervous system.

What makes this process so unique is the fact that the nerve cells (also referred to as “neurons”) that comprise the nervous system can only use glucose (also referred to as “blood sugar” which is derived primarily from the carbohydrates in your meals throughout the day), as a source of fuel to power its minute by minute vital need for energy. Consequently, if your blood sugar levels rise above or fall below the normal values (80mg/dl – 120 mg/dl) needed to maintain optimal neurological performance, your ability to think, walk, talk and control your emotions will be immediately compromised! This is to say nothing of the fact that when your blood sugar is erratic, every psycho-physiological system in your body is being programmed to work as inefficiently as possible; therefore accelerating and exacerbating the following processes:

Systemic fat storage, Loss of lean body mass, Fat burning enzymes and metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension just to name a few!


All INTRAFITT Online / Custom Nutrition and Exercise Programs are Fully Designed to Enable You to Achieve and Maintain Stable Blood Sugar by Providing You with the:

Proper Number of Calories (per meal), The Proper Nutrient Ratio (per meal) and The Proper Meal Intervals That You Will Need to Maintain on a Day to Day Basis to Ensure Your Immediate and Long Term Success!

To Learn More about the 6 Elemenst of Fitness or to Access a Complimentary Nutrition & Fitness Assessment visit us at

 If you would Like To Speak with a Certified INTRAFITT Technician, Simply Email us at or call toll free 888.212.6622.


In strength and honor,
William Smith, aka (Thunder of the American Gladiators)

INTRAFITT Home Study Certifications

Did you know that INTRAFITT offers Home Study Certifications?  Check us out!

The INTRAFITT Nutrition and Fitness Home Study Certification Curriculum has been created solely to provide students with a convenient yet comprehensive platform in both learning and presenting concepts and applications associated with Basic Nutrition and General Fitness. 

Graduates of the INTRAFITT Nutrition and Fitness Home Study Certification Curriculum will possess a general understanding of the essential dietary and exercise related components necessary in helping clients improve their overall health, fitness and performance.  Graduates will also be able to pinpoint and correct any and all dietary and/or exercise related deficiencies that would prevent clients from ever achieving their desired health and fitness goals!

For more information visit us at