Type II Diabetes and Emotional Stress…Part 2

Hi, I’m Will Smith AKA Thunder of the American Gladiators.

My interest in competing and winning championship titles began to wane as my interest in the scientific discipline of diet and exercise neuroendocrinology intensified. This particular scientific elective was initially the result of my younger brother’s diagnoses and longtime struggle with Type I Diabetes. My determination to research and develop a diet and exercise related curriculum that would improve my brother’s ability to play sports and live a normal life (while also enabling him to achieve optimal levels of health, fitness and performance, minimize the use of insulin and reduce his risk of developing further cardiovascular related diseases and complications) would eventually become my obsession and is known today as the INTRAFITT Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program.

I refer often to the following article and I am sharing it with you in several parts.  This is Part 2.


Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a serious and common metabolic disorder. The World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated the number of persons with diabetes worldwide at more than 220 million (WHO, 2009). These figures are expected to rise to 366 million by 2030 (Wild et al., 2004). Besides, diabetes mellitus is associated with a two- to four-fold increased risk of coronary heart disease and also an increased risk for microvascular diseases such as retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy. Patients with type 2 diabetes also have a doubled risk level for co-morbid depression compared to healthy controls, hampering the quality of life of patients (Pouwer et al., 2003; Schram et al., 2009). Moreover, a considerable number of depressed patients suffer from high levels of diabetes-specific emotional stress (Pouwer et al., 2005; Kokoszka et al., 2009). Important factors contributing to the increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes are obesity, physical inactivity, and an increase in the number of individuals older than 65 years (Wild et al., 2004).

Interestingly, stress has long been suspected as having important effects on the development of diabetes. More than 400 years ago, the famous English physician Thomas Willis (1621-1675) noted that diabetes often appeared among persons who had experienced significant life stresses, sadness, or long sorrow (Willis, 1675). One of the first systematic studies testing Willis’s hypothesis was described in 1935, by the American psychiatrist Dr. W. Menninger, who postulated the existence of psychogenic diabetes and described a “diabetic personality” (Menninger, 1935). Almost thirty years later, P.F. Slawson et al. described in the Journal of the American Medical Association that 80% of a group of 25 adult diabetes patients gave a history of antecedent stress mainly in terms of losses, 1-48 months prior to the onset of diabetes (Slawson et al., 1963). However, this study had several important limitations, including a very small sample size, a retrospective, uncontrolled design, and a high risk of selection bias. More recently, numerous studies have been performed, elucidating the role of emotional stress as a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. The majority of these studies focus on depression. However, there is growing evidence that other forms of emotional stress contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes as well.

The aim of this review is to provide an overview of studies on the relationship between different forms of emotional stress and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, involving depression, anxiety, life events or traumata, general emotional stress, work stress, and sleeping problems. The different pathways, limitations of these findings, and implications for future research will also be discussed.

Any questions or concerns on this article, please email me at gladiator@intrafitt.com.

Type II Diabetes and Emotional Stress

Hi, I’m Will Smith AKA Thunder of the American Gladiators.

My interest in competing and winning championship titles began to wane as my interest in the scientific discipline of diet and exercise neuroendocrinology intensified. This particular scientific elective was initially the result of my younger brother’s diagnoses and longtime struggle with Type I Diabetes. My determination to research and develop a diet and exercise related curriculum that would improve my brother’s ability to play sports and live a normal life (while also enabling him to achieve optimal levels of health, fitness and performance, minimize the use of insulin and reduce his risk of developing further cardiovascular related diseases and complications) would eventually become my obsession and is known today as the INTRAFITT Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program.

I’ve written this article in several parts and today I am bringing you Part 1 of the Series.

Abstract: According to the World Health Organization, approximately 220 million people worldwide have type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients with type 2 diabetes not only have a chronic disease to cope with, they are also at increased risk for coronary heart disease, peripheral vascular disease, retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy.

The exact causes of type 2 diabetes are still not clear. Since the 17th century, it has been suggested that emotional stress plays a role in the etiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus. So far, review studies have mainly focused on depression as a risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Yet, chronic emotional stress is an established risk factor for the development of depression.

The present review provides an overview of mainly prospective epidemiological studies that have investigated the associations between different forms of emotional stress and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Results of longitudinal studies suggest that not only depression but also general emotional stress and anxiety, sleeping problems, anger, and hostility are associated with an increased risk for the development of type 2 diabetes. Conflicting results were found regarding childhood neglect, life events, and work stress. It is important to emphasize that publication-bias may have occurred, resulting from “fishing-expeditions,” where authors search their data for significant associations. Publication bias may also be caused by the tendency of reviewers and Editors to reject manuscripts with negative results for publication. It is therefore essential that research groups, who aim to conduct a new epidemiological cohort study, prospectively describe and publish the design of their study. Future research should focus on identifying mechanisms linking different forms of stress and incident type 2 diabetes.

Part 2 of this article to follow. Email me any time at gladiator@intrafitt.com

For your very own Individual Nutrition Plan click here NOW!

In good health,
Will AKA THUNDER of the American Gladiators

The Role of Water in Human Metabolism & Performance

ImageAside from water being classified as an essential nutrient, I feel that it deserves special attention due to the fact that most people underestimate its importance in human nutrition.  One interesting fact is that the human body can survive for up to five weeks without protein, carbohydrates and/or fats, and only five days without water.

Rarely do we ever see an adequate water intake included as part of an individual’s regular dietary regime.  In fact, it has been determined that 75% of the American population is chronically dehydrated with further speculation that this finding likely applies to half the world population.

As far as the genders are concerned, it should be noted that although men have a higher percentage of water contained in their bodies than women (primarily due to a higher lean body mass) it does not make the water requirements for women any less important than those for men.

Although people normally drink water in order to satisfy the thirst drives brought on by neural innervation, there are other instances (especially before, during and after strenuous exercise) when water intake should be strongly considered.

Water performs three important biological functions in the human body: it provides structure and form to the body also known as its tugor; it provides the fluid environment both intracellularly required for normal cell metabolism and water regulates the temperature of the body.

Water can be supplied to the body by actually drinking water and other beverages high in water content such as tea and coffee, preformed water contained in foods, especially low calorie fruits and vegetables such as melons, strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. and metabolic water which is a by product of cellular oxidation.

More about Water and Human Performance…next time!

Just a reminder…When it comes to achieving optimal health, fitness and performance, the INTRAFITT Program is second to none because its concepts and applications favorably impact each and every aspect of our triune existence (mind, body & spirit).  This simply means that not only will you feel, look and perform at your very best on a physical level, you will also achieve a heightened ability in your cognitive thinking as well! Send me an email with any questions: gladiator@intrafitt.com

PS- Take advantage of our Fit & Lean Forever Program on special now.  Use finallyfit for $99 discount.  It’s only $.27 a day with 365 day access to all your meal plans and exercise protocols.  You can even talk to me if you wish. www.intrafitt.com

In health & honor,
Will Smith aka/Thunder of the American Gladiator days

For Better Health, Fitness & Performance, Lesson #3

Lesson #3:“Understanding the Importance of Controlling Your Conscious Thought and it’s Direct Impact on Chronic Disease!

Of all the valuable lessons I’ve ever learned in my life, I believe that understanding the importance of controlling our conscious thought is perhaps the most significant of all as it truly can and does impact every single aspect of our lives (as well as every single cell for that matter)!

Think about it; what kind of thoughts enter and fill your mind from the time you wake up in the morning until you close your eyes to go to sleep at night? Are they filled with joy, happiness and expectations of victory and success?! Do you hold perpetual thoughts that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; virtuous, and praiseworthy? If so, you are way ahead of the game and I would venture to say that you are probably living the life of your dreams and know only a life of health, happiness and prosperity! If however, you’re like most people today, living a busy and perhaps even hectic lifestyle, working long hours to make ends meet and trying to balance all of life’s responsibilities, you will probably more often than not find yourself holding thoughts of fear, anger, worry, resentment and grief; not to mention all of the subconscious thoughts that your mind is still processing daily from all of your childhood years.

While many have come to accept the challenging day to day thoughts and emotions associated with a hectic lifestyle and a turbulent childhood; what you may not realize however, is that your thoughts, feelings and emotions emit a very powerful form of calculable energy that can and does influence the expression of genes in your DNA. The process is referred to as “Cellular Differentiation” and takes place when a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type. Even though there is no change in the underlying sequence of the actual DNA the cells are influenced to behave differently because of the adverse impact that our thoughts, feeling and emotions have on the expression of the gene code.  This is extremely important to recognize because it is basically saying that any and all adverse thoughts feelings and emotions that we maintain on a regular and consistent basis are ultimately triggering a cascade of psycho-neuroendocrinological events that cause for phenotypic changes in the cells DNA and is therefore producing “dis-ease” or ill health. Knowing this should immediately inspire each of us to follow the scriptural recommendations in the book of Philippians as Paul is suggesting that we put forth a perpetual and tenacious effort each and every day, all day to stay focused” ONLY” on the things in our lives which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report; virtuous & praiseworthy.  (Phillipians 4:8)

Friends, I have hit on the basic three factors needed to increase our health, fitness and performance levels.  If you have not read the other two Lessons (#1) Stable Blood Sugar and (#2) Exercise, please find them and read them.  I cannot stress to you the importance of these three elements being a major factor in your every day life.  Combine this with your individual fitness nutrition program designed just for you and you will be on the right track.  If you are looking for a discount on your nutrition program, just email me at gladiator@intrafitt.com and I will provide you with a great discount.  I want for you to have it and use it in your daily life.  You only need it one time and you will have it for life.

In strength and honor,

William Smith (aka) Thunder of the American Gladiators


Nutrition: Are All Calories The Same?

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to continue on today talking about Nutrition in the  Simplest Form. Basically, there are six essential nutrients that the human   body requires to keep it nourished and healthy. These include Protein,   Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Walter. The term “essential” is   used to describe these nutrients because they must be provided to the body in   order to sustain life and to prevent a deficient or diseased state. Of the   six nutrients listed, only three provide energy to the body, while the other   three help to release energy inside the cells. Typically, these two   categories of essential nutrients are referred to as the Macro-Nutrients (energy   providing nutrients needed by the body in larger amounts)and Micro-Nutrients (energy   releasing nutrients needed by the body in smaller amounts).

 The Macro-Nutrients, when metabolized provide energy and   heat, which are used to support all of the metabolic functions (heart   beat, digestion, muscle contraction, concentration and comprehension) of   the body and mind. The fuel potential of the energy nutrients is expressed   in calories Just as a meter is a measure of distance, a calorie   is a measure of energy and is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise   one milliliter of water one degree centigrade. Therefore foods that are high   in calories (dried fruits and nuts) are also high in energy, whereas foods   that are low in calories (strawberries, melons and vegetables) are low in   energy as well. Perhaps this is one reason why people who eat low-calorie   foods to lose weight have little to no energy to exercise in the course of   their day.

 You might wonder where calories are derived from. If you look   at this question from the standpoint that a calorie is defined as the total   amount of heat energy needed to raise one milliliter of water one degree   Celsius, then YES all calories when oxidized yield the same amount of heat   energy. Perhaps the question should be “are all calorie sources the   same?”

 Take for example the two individuals illustrated below. Each   individual has a recommended calorie intake of 520 calories per meal and both   eat the exact same foods within the meal. The difference however, is that   they each eat varying amounts of the food items listed and as a result end up   producing a very different endocrinological response. In other words, the   regulatory effect associated with the different amount and types of food   eaten can have a favorable or unfavorable influence on the metabolic process   and can last for three to six hours after a meal.

 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 6 oz Chicken breast: 186

7 oz Yams: 210

1 Tbs Peanut butter: 100

3 oz Broccoli 24

 Total: 520 


 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 8 oz Chicken breast: 248

2oz Yams: 60

2 Tbs Peanut butter: 200

1.5 oz Broccoli 12

 Total: 520 

 Now lets assume that the same two individuals perform   cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes later that evening. As illustrated   below, Individual #1 exercises within his/her target heart rate while   Individual #2 exercises above his/her target heart rate. Although Individual   #2 likely burned more total calories than Individual #1 at the end of the   thirty minute session, they both theoretically burned the same amount of fat   calories.

 Some would argue that exercising at an intensity that is above   the recommended training sensitive zone (for fat burning) is more beneficial   because a higher number of calories are burned at the end of an equivalent   exercise duration. This is perhaps true, however, exercising at high   intensity, although may burn more calories, will more than likely train the   body to become more efficient at burning sugar than fat and may very well   promote hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) symptoms that can ensue for up to   twelve hours after the exercise session has ended. That is one of the reasons   I always recommend wearing a heart rate monitor when exercising.


Individual #1

Calories Burned: 1000

Fat Burned: 60% @600/cal

Sugar Burned: 40% @400/cal

 Individual #2

Calories Burned: 1500

Fat Burned: 40% @ 600/cal

Sugar Burned: 60% @900/cal

 For your own Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program,   please visit us at www.intrafitt.com

In good health,

William Smith, AKA Thunder of the American Gladiators

For Health, Fitness & Performance…Lesson #2 -EXERCISE

As promised, here is Lesson #2 in our series of learning How to

REPROGRAM Your Mind, Body & Spirit to be Fit, Healthy & Strong for Life!

Lesson #2: The Human Body Must be Exercised for at Least One Hour per Day, Six Days per Week at a Regulated Intensity in Order to Lower The Fat Thermostat and Accelerate the Energy Wasting Mechanisms Associated with Achieving and Maintaining a Lean, Healthy & Fit Mind, Body & Spirit for Life!”

Irregardless of what you’ve heard, read or understood about exercise and its impact on weight loss and conditioning; your body needs a minimum of one hour* of exercise everyday (at least six days/week) if you truly intend to Reprogram your mind, body & spirit to be fit, healthy & strong for life!

Think of it this way…your body is designed to move! It is the reason why we have arms, legs and a circulatory system and it is the reason why the amount of oxygen we consume directly determines how much and what type of fuel (protein, carbohydrates or fat) our bodies choose to burn throughout the day! Correspondingly, as long as your blood sugar remains stable throughout the day and you consistently engage in one hour of regulated exercise at least six days per week, your mind, body and spirit will be reprogrammed to remain strong, healthy, lean, fit and full of joy and peace! Trust me, there is nothing like it in the world.

Be sure to visit me at our website:  www.intrafitt.com or email me anytime at gladiator@intrafitt.com!  I would especially like to hear from you if you are trying to reconcile diabetes or any other health-related disease.

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

For Health, Fitness & Performance…Lesson #1

Dear Friends, yesterday I suggested to you that the most important thing you could do to begin to be fit and lean for life is to stabilize your blood sugar.  Well, allow me to explain further:


Lesson #1:

Stable Blood Sugar is “The Limiting Factor” associated with the Acquisition and Maintenance of Any and All Health, Fitness and Performance Related Goals!”

No matter what your Health, Fitness and/or Performance related goals happen to be, you must first learn how to achieve and maintain stable blood sugar from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night! Why?! The answer is simple. Your brain and nervous system is considered the “Paramount” regulatory system of your body. This simply means that every organ, system and cell in your body is directly controlled and influenced by your brain and nervous system.

What makes this process so unique is the fact that the nerve cells (also referred to as “neurons”) that comprise the nervous system can only use glucose (also referred to as “blood sugar” which is derived primarily from the carbohydrates in your meals throughout the day), as a source of fuel to power its minute by minute vital need for energy. Consequently, if your blood sugar levels rise above or fall below the normal values (80mg/dl – 120 mg/dl) needed to maintain optimal neurological performance, your ability to think, walk, talk and control your emotions will be immediately compromised! This is to say nothing of the fact that when your blood sugar is erratic, every psycho-physiological system in your body is being programmed to work as inefficiently as possible; therefore accelerating and exacerbating the following processes:

Systemic fat storage, Loss of lean body mass, Fat burning enzymes and metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension just to name a few!


All INTRAFITT Online / Custom Nutrition and Exercise Programs are Fully Designed to Enable You to Achieve and Maintain Stable Blood Sugar by Providing You with the:

Proper Number of Calories (per meal), The Proper Nutrient Ratio (per meal) and The Proper Meal Intervals That You Will Need to Maintain on a Day to Day Basis to Ensure Your Immediate and Long Term Success!

To Learn More about the 6 Elemenst of Fitness or to Access a Complimentary Nutrition & Fitness Assessment visit us at http://www.intrafitt.com

 If you would Like To Speak with a Certified INTRAFITT Technician, Simply Email us at successguaranteed@intrafitt.com or call toll free 888.212.6622.


In strength and honor,
William Smith, aka (Thunder of the American Gladiators)


Change Your Heart, Change Your Mind, Change your Life

Think about it.

Are you willing to change your mind?

Are you focused on the most positive outcome of any given situation?

What is the true motive of your desired outcome?

According to our belief system as followers of Jesus Christ, Taken from the Holy Bible,

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,…”

In agreement with our belief system;

We are made up of three parts,

1. Spirit- The Supernatural part, the depth of our creative being.

2. Soul- Our mind, will and emotions.

3.Body- The vehicle that houses our Spirit and Soul.

With that in mind, What is and what has been, the influence of your belief system?

I encourage you to evaluate each area. And let’s be honest, we all want the best results for ourselves. So let’s start from the core of our being and build from there. “ You cannot Conquer what you do not Confront”.

Consider this, according to , “Proverbs 23:7, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he…”.

In efforts to achieve a healthy belief system, Who is in your drivers seat?

I leave you with this:

John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I(Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

If you suffer form a chronic and degenerative disease such as CHD, Diabetes, Cancer, etc…know this….YOU CAN HEAL YOUR BODY!!!  The first step however is that you must heal your SPIRIT!  Check out this video: Cancer IS Curable NOW!!!


Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Prevention and Treatment

Dear Friends,   This article was written by one of our INTRAFITT followers, John O’Connor.  John is convinced that healthy living and proper nutrition can prevent and/or delay hearing loss.  He shares his knowledge with us and we thank him for it.

Remember to log on to www.intrafitt.com for your personal online nutrition program. 

Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Prevention and Treatment

According to a Cleveland Clinic report, nearly 36 million Americans have hearing loss. In one out of three people, noise exposure contributed to their hearing loss. Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most common causes of hearing loss today. Fortunately, it is preventable with some healthy lifestyle changes.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise induced hearing loss results from damage to the tiny hair cell structures in the inner ear. Hair cells convert sound into electrical signals that travel from the ear to the brain. Noise-damaged hair cells cannot grow back and result in permanent hearing loss.

Noise Exposure Risk Factors

Noise can harm hearing in two ways: constant noise for an extended period of time or loud, impact noise for a short duration of time. Noise exposure occurs in occupational and recreational situations as well as in the home or office.

Firefighters, police officers, construction workers, factory workers, musicians, entertainers and military personnel often work in loud or noisy environments. Noise exposure also occur through recreational items and activities like fireworks, music concerts, dance clubs, shooting ranges, motorcycles, sporting events, lawn equipment and power tools.

Hearing Loss Prevention

Americans can take steps to protect their ears and prevent hearing loss due to noise exposure. The Mayo Clinic offers three healthy living tips for preventing NIHL and lessening age-related hearing loss. These include ear protection, regular hearing tests and noise avoidance.

Workers can protect their ears in a noisy workplace by wearing earplugs or earmuffs. Specially designed gear can bring down loud sounds to an acceptable level. Many pre-formed foam or custom-molded rubber earplugs offer effective protection from damaging sounds.

Regular hearing tests are extremely important for anyone who works in a loud or noisy environment. Hearing tests provide early detection of NIHL and help people take additional steps to protect their ears and prevent hearing loss.

Some of the best recreational activities are the hardest ones on hearing. Earplugs and other hearing protectors are essential during many of these activities. Often, the best prevention is turning the noise down or walking away from it.

Hearing Loss Treatments

Of the millions of Americans with some degree of hearing loss, almost two-thirds have permanent damage to their high-frequency hearing due to NIHL. Fortunately, help is available. The treatment options depend on the severity of hearing loss.

Hearing loss caused by inner ear damage may benefit from a hearing aid or hearing aids. These assistive devices make sounds stronger and easier to hear. An audiologist can determine the degree of hearing loss and recommend a device. Inexpensive, over-the-ear microphone hearing aids are effective for some patients. They may need to try more than one hearing aid to find the best device.

Cochlear implants are a treatment option for people with severe hearing loss. Unlike hearing aids that amplify sound, cochlear implants compensate for damaged structures in the inner ear. Audiologists work with ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists to determine the best surgical treatments for patients with hearing loss.

Be sure to visit me at our website:  www.intrafitt.com or email me anytime at gladiator@intrafitt.com!  I would especially like to hear from you if you are trying to reconcile diabetes or any other health-related disease including hearing loss.

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators


Cholesterol…The Derived Fat

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

The concern with eating a lot of saturated fats is the related cholesterol content associated with these foods (egg yolks, butter, cream, beef, etc.).  Although cholesterol has received as much bad press as dietary fats, it is a much-needed substance by the body; so much so, that the liver is capable of manufacturing fifty trillion molecules of this compound per second.  Cholesterol is a fatty like substance which belongs to a group of fats known as sterols or steroids, and unlike most lipids is a precursor to all the steroid hormones such as testosterone, cortisone and even vitamin D.  Although the body can produce its own cholesterol from components of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids, the rate of biosynthesis can be altered by the amount of dietary cholesterol, carbohydrates and saturated fats eaten.  In other words, when the intake of dietary cholesterol increases, cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver is reduced.  This is similar to the “down regulation” and “negative feedback” properties associated with hormone production in the body.  In other words, when the body is receiving adequate amounts of cholesterol through the diet, hepatic formation is reduced.  If on the other hand, dietary cholesterol is restricted beyond that the body feels is necessary, intrahepatic enzymes will activate the synthesis of endogenous cholesterol in order to supply the cells of the body with this intrinsic compound.  It is because of this homeostatic ability by the liver that it may be difficult to control serum cholesterol levels through dietary efforts alone.

Be sure to visit me at our website:  www.intrafitt.com or email me anytime at gladiator@intrafitt.com!  I would especially like to hear from you if you are trying to reconcile diabetes or any other health-related disease!

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators