Water and Human Performance


I promised you a little more information on the subject of Water and how it relates to Human Metabolism and Performance…so picking up from our last blog…I want to explain that during periods of highly strenuous exercise, the body can lose as much as four and one half pounds of fluid.  An endurance athlete may lose as much as 4% of his entire body weight to the loss of water primarily in the form of sweat.

When preparing to exercise, three factors should be strongly considered: 1) the temperature of the exercise environment.  2) the hydration level of the body prior to exercise.  And, 3) the relative humidity of the exercise environment.  Although the first two reasons listed are fairly obvious, considerations regarding pre-exercise hydration, the third reason may need further explanation.  If you have spent any amount of time training and/or competing on the eastern coast of the United States during the summer months, you should have a pretty good idea of how humid it can get.  Relative Humidity is basically the measure of water vapor in the air.  Although this may not seem like an important factor in exercise performance, it is quite possibly the most significant limiting factor when exercising on a humid day.  For example when there is a relative humidity of 100%, the air is considered to be completely saturated with water.  As a result, the body’s cooling mechanisms are severely affected due to the fact that sweat cannot evaporate efficiently.  When this happens the body’s internal temperature can reach dangerous levels, and may result in hyperthermia.

The primary reason to consider proper hydration and rehydration before, during, and after exercise is the need to maintain proper blood plasma viscosity and to encourage normal circulation and cooling of the body.  When an individual begins sweating profusely there is a subsequent decrease in the blood plasma levels.   As a result, blood viscosity increases and therefore increases the workload of the heart which cold potentially result in a heart attack.  In order to help prevent these conditions,  aside from drinking water throughout the entire exercise session, it is recommended that 2-3 cups of water are ingested prior to exercise.  By properly hydrating the body before exercise, the body’s ability to sweat is increased thereby delaying the onset of dehydration while enabling a more subtle rise in body temperature.

“The recommended water intake for normal sedentary individuals is a minimum of 96 ounces or three quarts per day.  For physically active individuals, the minimum recommended water intake is twice that of the sedentary person or six quarts per day!!!”

ifitt billboard

Just a reminder…When it comes to achieving optimal health, fitness and performance, the INTRAFITT Program is second to none because its concepts and applications favorably impact each and every aspect of our triune existence (mind, body & spirit).  This simply means that not only will you feel, look and perform at your very best on a physical level, you will also achieve a heightened ability in your cognitive thinking as well! Send me an email with any questions: gladiator@intrafitt.com

PS- Take advantage of our Fit & Lean Forever Program on special now.  Use finallyfit for $99 discount.  It’s only $.27 a day with 365 day access to all your meal plans and exercise protocols.  You can even talk to me if you wish. www.intrafitt.com

In health & honor,
Will Smith aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators


You think you have been eating the right foods; low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and fiber. You have even committed to exercising three, four, five, maybe even six times per week…but when you look in the mirror, you just don’t have the look you want. Well, you’re not alone.The compulsive desire of Americans to be “thin and beautiful” results in the spending of more than $50 billion dollars each year on diet programs and related products. Furthermore, for the last decade, the American population has been informed that a “healthy diet” should consist of 60% carbohydrates, 10% protein, and 30% fat. Ironically, the United States is now considered to have the highest percentage of overweight and obese individuals in the world! Is it possible that these so-called “healthy diets” combined with info-miracle weight loss programs are the very reasons why Americans are repeatedly unsuccessful at getting in shape –and more importantly staying in shape?

Let’s start with the facts!

In recent years, the Health Science Industry has uncovered an abundance of substantial and conclusive evidence indicating that the foods we eat combined with the type and amount of exercise we engage in each day has a tremendous effect on the regulatory systems of our bodies which directly control and influence the rate at which we build muscle and burn fat!

Research says the food we eat triggers a powerful hormonal response, which determines whether we burn excess body fat as fuel or store as energy. The reason high carbohydrate meals and/or snacks make losing body fat more difficult is directly related to the hormonal effects that carbohydrate rich foods have on the regulatory systems of the body! When foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, breads, cereal, fruit, & other refined foods, are eaten in disproportionately high amounts, they encourage a tremendous release of insulin (a fat storing hormone).

One of insulin’s principle functions is to store body fat and inhibit its breakdown and release to be used as an energy source. Insulin also plays a major role in lowering blood sugar, which in turn increases sugar and food cravings, thus causing this perpetual cycle to repeat itself several times throughout the day.

The Magic Pill

It would be great to wake up some day and learn that science has revealed the “Magic Pill”…you know, the one that everybody in the world is determined to some day find enabling them to achieve the body they’ve always dreamed of. Unfortunately, this will never happen because it is not a formula or ingredient found in a pill that the body needs in order to burn fat and build muscle efficiently, it is machinery, or more specifically metabolic machinery that enables the body to breakdown fat and use it as a source of fuel. Metabolic machinery consists of INTRA-CELLULAR components such as mitochondrion, fat burning enzymes, capillaries etc.. which can only be manufactured by the body as a result of engaging in regular and consistent daily exercise combined with eating the proper amount and types of food at each meal throughout the day. This may seem like a difficult task, however, it is really very easy to do once you know how.

Individualized Nutrition & Exercise Guidelines

It is no secret that we are all individuals with very different and unique nutritional requirements, food preferences, fitness goals, etc. As a result, we each need to adhere to very specific nutrition and exercise guidelines that will enable our bodies to perform optimally on a day-to-day basis. Once we become compliant to the proper number of calories and ratio of complete protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats, combined with the proper amount and type of exercise, we will easily be able to achieve and maintain our desired health & fitness goals!

Reprogramming Our Bodies

Since we know there is NO MAGIC PILL and never will be, it is important to understand the reality associated with achieving and maintaining any desired health & fitness goal. The fact is, it does take time and effort to get in shape and stay in shape. If it were anything else but hard work, everybody on the planet would have the look they want!

Respect Yourself and Others Will Do The Same

If you’ve ever been in the presence of someone like Clark Bartram, Monica Brandt or some other famous athlete of fitness model, you can’t help but respect the amount of tireless effort and tenacity that these individuals put forth each day of their lives in order to achieve and maintain their desired health & fitness goals. Unlike someone who has gained a tremendous amount of wealth or fortune, athletes maintain a level of accomplishment, commitment and respect that money will never buy.

It is time to decide for yourself whether or not you want to put forth the effort necessary to achieve your ultimate health & fitness goals. If you do decide to commit, the only thing standing between you and your ultimate body is your level of compliance everything else you need in the way of information and guidance can be found at

If you decide NOT to commit, remember that yet another day of potentially looking, living and feeling better has passed you by and you may never have the chance to make it up!

In Summary

Although there are perhaps many reasons why we are still fat, there is simply NO REASON why we shouldn’t begin to optimize our eating and exercise habits so that in time, our bodies begin to reprogram themselves to be fit and lean for the rest of our lives!

Remember “Commitment is doing the very thing you said you would do long after the mood you said it in has gone!” 

Questions? Email me at gladiator@intrafitt.com  Need an individual nutrition and exercise program…visit www.intrafitt.com

In health and honor,
William Smith aka Thunder of the American Gladiator Days!

Do You Know Your Fat Burning Zone?

heart rate monitor2

I am continually asked by my clients “How do I know if I am burning fat?” Well, that is why I suggest wearing a heart rate monitor. It is the key to optimum efficiency during a cardiovascular exercise. The objective is to work smarter not harder. Think of a heart rate monitor as a tachometer (a device that measures RPM) for the body. For example, the speedometer in your car tells you how fast you are moving but does not reflect how hard the engine is working. The tachometer on the other hand, tells you exactly how fast the engine is turning at any given speed RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). The same is true with a heart rate monitor. Although it does not tell you how fast you are walking or running, it does indicate how fast your heart is beating BPM (Beats Per Minute).

In order for fat to burn efficiently once it enters the muscles, a constant and steady supply of oxygen must be present at all times. If the heart rate and/or level of exercise intensity is too high, the muscles will tend to rely more heavily on sugar instead of fat due to a lack of oxygen (also known as oxygen debt). If on the other hand the heart rate and/or corresponding level of exercise intensity is too low, your will most likely make inefficient use of your time, slow the rate of fat loss and decelerate the development of intra-muscular changes needed to “Reprogram” the body to be fit and lean.

How do we know how fast our heart should be beating while exercising?
The most efficient way to determine your heart rate is to take your age and subtract it from 220. Once that is determined you can then use the Fat Burning Formula of exercising between 60% – 75% of your maximum heart rate. For instance: A 45 year old person (just starting an exercise program) the appropriate target heart rate during exercise should be 220 – 45(age) = 175 Maximum Heart Rate …175 X 60% = 105. 105 would be the Target Heart Rate During Exercise. Of course we then would discuss the FITT factor which is proper Frequency, Intensity, Time & Type of exercise.

For any questions, I can be reached at http://www.intrafitt.com

In health & honor,
William Smith aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators

Check out all our nutrition programs and on line certifications at http://www.intrafitt.com

Nutrition: Are All Calories The Same?

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to continue on today talking about Nutrition in the  Simplest Form. Basically, there are six essential nutrients that the human   body requires to keep it nourished and healthy. These include Protein,   Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Minerals and Walter. The term “essential” is   used to describe these nutrients because they must be provided to the body in   order to sustain life and to prevent a deficient or diseased state. Of the   six nutrients listed, only three provide energy to the body, while the other   three help to release energy inside the cells. Typically, these two   categories of essential nutrients are referred to as the Macro-Nutrients (energy   providing nutrients needed by the body in larger amounts)and Micro-Nutrients (energy   releasing nutrients needed by the body in smaller amounts).

 The Macro-Nutrients, when metabolized provide energy and   heat, which are used to support all of the metabolic functions (heart   beat, digestion, muscle contraction, concentration and comprehension) of   the body and mind. The fuel potential of the energy nutrients is expressed   in calories Just as a meter is a measure of distance, a calorie   is a measure of energy and is defined as the amount of heat needed to raise   one milliliter of water one degree centigrade. Therefore foods that are high   in calories (dried fruits and nuts) are also high in energy, whereas foods   that are low in calories (strawberries, melons and vegetables) are low in   energy as well. Perhaps this is one reason why people who eat low-calorie   foods to lose weight have little to no energy to exercise in the course of   their day.

 You might wonder where calories are derived from. If you look   at this question from the standpoint that a calorie is defined as the total   amount of heat energy needed to raise one milliliter of water one degree   Celsius, then YES all calories when oxidized yield the same amount of heat   energy. Perhaps the question should be “are all calorie sources the   same?”

 Take for example the two individuals illustrated below. Each   individual has a recommended calorie intake of 520 calories per meal and both   eat the exact same foods within the meal. The difference however, is that   they each eat varying amounts of the food items listed and as a result end up   producing a very different endocrinological response. In other words, the   regulatory effect associated with the different amount and types of food   eaten can have a favorable or unfavorable influence on the metabolic process   and can last for three to six hours after a meal.

 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 6 oz Chicken breast: 186

7 oz Yams: 210

1 Tbs Peanut butter: 100

3 oz Broccoli 24

 Total: 520 


 Individual #1 (500 Calories per meal)

 8 oz Chicken breast: 248

2oz Yams: 60

2 Tbs Peanut butter: 200

1.5 oz Broccoli 12

 Total: 520 

 Now lets assume that the same two individuals perform   cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes later that evening. As illustrated   below, Individual #1 exercises within his/her target heart rate while   Individual #2 exercises above his/her target heart rate. Although Individual   #2 likely burned more total calories than Individual #1 at the end of the   thirty minute session, they both theoretically burned the same amount of fat   calories.

 Some would argue that exercising at an intensity that is above   the recommended training sensitive zone (for fat burning) is more beneficial   because a higher number of calories are burned at the end of an equivalent   exercise duration. This is perhaps true, however, exercising at high   intensity, although may burn more calories, will more than likely train the   body to become more efficient at burning sugar than fat and may very well   promote hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) symptoms that can ensue for up to   twelve hours after the exercise session has ended. That is one of the reasons   I always recommend wearing a heart rate monitor when exercising.


Individual #1

Calories Burned: 1000

Fat Burned: 60% @600/cal

Sugar Burned: 40% @400/cal

 Individual #2

Calories Burned: 1500

Fat Burned: 40% @ 600/cal

Sugar Burned: 60% @900/cal

 For your own Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program,   please visit us at www.intrafitt.com

In good health,

William Smith, AKA Thunder of the American Gladiators

Some Must Know Facts about Diabetes

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,

I have come across a couple of articles that relate to health and diabetes
that I find absolutely fascinating; not because it is good news, but rather
news that we all need to know.  As you read this and think – well I am not
obese or even overweight so it doesn’t apply to me — then think again.  
This is really an indictment of our total food supply and our way of life.


The first is an article carried by (Reuters)- It ran in the LA Times on July 7, 2011.
By Lisa Baertlein.   Some of the excerpts are:

The number of obese US adults rose in 16 states last year, helping to push obesity
rates in a dozen states above 30 %…

While the number of states showing significant year-over-year increases in obesity

“Today’s state with the lowest adult obesity rate would have had the highest rate in
1995″ said Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health.

Four years ago, only one US state had an adult obesity rate above 30 per cent,
according to the report, which defines adult obesity as having a body mass index
– a weight to height ratio — of 30 or more.

Over the last two decades, people in the US have been eating less nutritious food
and more of it.  At the same time, activity levels have fallen, Levi said.

In the United States — where two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children
are obese or overweight — the obesity epidemic is sending healthcare costs higher
and threatening everything from worker productivity to military recruitment.

The report released on Thursday showed that over the past 15 years, seven states
have doubled their rate of obesity and 10 states have doubled their rate of diabetes.

I urge you to check our website at www.intrafitt.com for your personalized nutrition program.  All accessible on line in the comfort of your own home/office.  Email me with any questions at :

In strength and honor,

William Smith, aka/Thunder of the American Gladiator 

Nearly everyone Fails to Meet Dietary Guidelines!

The Researchers from the National Cancer Institute and the National Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion, examined 2001-2004 NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) data including 16,338 individuals’ dietary habits.

They found that more than 80 percent of those aged 71 and above, and more than 90 percent of all other age groups of both sexes, overconsumed discretionary calories – those that come from solid fats, added sugars and alcohol. A majority did not meet MyPyramid recommendations for every food group except total grains and meat and beans, the researchers found.

“Nearly everyone” failed to meet recommendations for dark green vegetables, orange vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, which were the groups with the lowest adherence to recommendations.

“In conclusion, nearly the entire US population consumes a diet that is not on par with recommendations. These findings add another piece to the rather disturbing picture that is emerging of a nation’s diet in crisis,” the authors wrote.

Young adults were most likely to fall short of recommendations for fruits, milk and oils, and those aged 31 to 50 were most likely to drink too much alcohol.

The authors did not examine energy balance in their research, but they wrote that nutrient-poor energy sources seemed to be displacing nutrient-rich ones.

“The poor quality of Americans’ diets evident from this analysis is consistent not only with high rates of obesity and overweight but also food insecurity, which is characterized by compromises in diet quality and variety,” they wrote.

Moreover, the researchers applied their findings to the US food supply, which they said has oversupplied solid fats, added sugars, and sodium, and undersupplied fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and milk over at least the past several decades.

“The stark contrasts observed between the diets of Americans as well as the US food supply and current dietary guidance underscore the need for individual- and environmental-level interventions to facilitate healthier dietary intake patterns,” the authors concluded. “Without such interventions, the diets of most U.S. adults and children will continue to be markedly divergent from recommendations, a worrisome state in the context of the obesity epidemic and alarming rates of other diet-related chronic diseases.”

Source: The Journal of Nutrition

140: 1832–1838, 2010

“Americans Do Not Meet Federal Dietary Recommendations”

Visit us any time at www.intrafitt.com
In health and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder





William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dietary fat is perhaps the most complex of the three energy nutrients in terms of its diversity and function in human metabolism.  In order to truly understand the role that this essential nutrient plays in health, fitness and performance, it is important to understand the varying types of dietary fat as well as the different biological forms of fat that is stored and used within the body.  To begin our discussion, lets review some of the reasons why fat has received so much bad press over the last decade.  As mentioned earlier, the United States currently has the highest incidence of obesity compared to any other country in the world.  Furthermore, heart disease, diabetes and colon cancer as well as a number of other chronic and degenerative diseases have continued to escalate among the American population.  Due to the prevalence of these alleged preventable diseases, health organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society have produced a number of reports to help educate people about the risk factors associated with the excessive consumption of certain types of dietary fats.

Interestingly enough, there is now a considerable amount of controversy among the scientific community as to whether or not problems such as high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes and obesity are truly a direct result of consuming and/or over consuming dietary fat, sugar, or a combination of both.

So, should we eliminate fats completely? 
Aside from the many reasons that we have been told to minimize and/or avoid the use of fats, there are just as many reasons, if not more, to consider re-introducing them into our regular meal plans  For example, not only are lipids (fats) necessary for the absorption of the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, & K, they also help to regulate and control blood sugar (by controlling the emptying time of the stomach), and help to prolong a satisfied feeling of fullness after a meal.

You may ask what other benefits do dietary fats provide.   Well, in our next column  we will begin discussing the different types of dietary fats and the characteristics they possess.

In health and honor,
William Smith aka/Thunder

TO REPROGRAM YOUR BODY TO BE FIT AND LEAN FOR LIFE………..visit our website at www.intrafitt.com
Contact me with any questions to gladiator@intrafitt.com

Till next time……………….remember your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and is on loan only.



Why Buy Organic? Another reason…

Another reason to go Organic!

From the New York Times

June 8, 2011

 Pfizer Suspends Sales of Chicken Drug With Arsenic

 By and

WASHINGTON — Farmers have for decades fed chickens an arsenic-containing drug that promotes growth, but after a government study found trace amounts of this poisonous carcinogen in chickens, its maker will suspend its sales.

Officials at the Food and Drug Administration said the amounts found were so low that chickens treated with the drug, called 3-Nitro, do not pose a serious health risk and will continue to be sold. Perdue and organic chicken producers do not use the drug.

“The presence of that carcinogenic residue obviously raises concerns, and it’s completely avoidable,” said Michael R. Taylor, F.D.A.’s deputy commissioner for foods. “It needed to be acted on.”

Pfizer, which makes 3-Nitro, also known as roxarsone, will suspend the drug’s sales in 30 days, giving producers time to find alternatives. The drug, first approved in 1944, kills intestinal parasites, promotes growth and makes meat look pinker. And since 3-Nitro contains organic arsenic, which is far less toxic than its inorganic counterpart, producers assumed that it would have no effect on people who ate the animals.

But there has been growing evidence that organic arsenic can change into its more toxic cousin. So F.D.A. researchers developed a way to measure inorganic arsenic in meat. They got 100 chickens, fed roxarsone to about half of them and measured levels of inorganic arsenic in their livers. Chickens fed roxarsone had consistently higher levels of inorganic arsenic, a known carcinogen.

Scott Brown, a veterinarian at Pfizer Animal Health, said that Pfizer’s own studies of 3-Nitro had all found it safe, but that the F.D.A.’s trial led the company to suspend sales of the drug while Pfizer did a “full scientific assessment” of the drug. That assessment will also include another smaller-selling arsenic-based feed medicine called Histostat, or nitarsone, that was not studied by the F.D.A. and whose sales have not been suspended.

Consumer advocates cheered the move.

“Inorganic arsenic is cancer-causing, and action on this drug is long overdue,” said Dr. Michael K. Hansen, a senior scientist with Consumers Union.

Each year, the United States produces $45 billion worth of broiler chickens, the kind used for meat — about 37 billion pounds in 2010, according to the Agriculture Department. That equals about 80 pounds a year for each American, according to the National Chicken Council, which represents major companies like Perdue and Tyson. Georgia, Arkansas and Alabama are the biggest producers.

Richard Lobb, a spokesman for the chicken council, said 3-Nitro was used widely “but certainly not universally” by the industry. Mr. Lobb said that questions about roxarsone’s safety had been raised in the past but “we’ve always been able to show that there’s really no reason to be concerned about human health.”

Environmentalists have long been concerned that the waste from chickens treated with roxarsone, when used as fertilizer on crops, causes arsenic to leach into water supplies and estuaries. Even cattle are exposed, since chicken litter is sometimes included in feed.

About 90 percent of roxarsone’s use is in chickens, although the product is also used to a more limited extent in turkeys and swine, said Dr. William Flynn of the F.D.A.’s Center for Veterinary Medicine.

The F.D.A. once routinely conducted its own studies of animal and human drugs, but limited budgets led the agency to eliminate much of its scientific and laboratory capacity over the years. The roxarsone study is a triumph for agency scientists but one unlikely to be repeated very often. The agency asked for $183 million in additional funds for food safety efforts next year, but House Republicans have instead proposed cutting $87 million.

“This is exactly the kind of thing we try to direct research efforts towards,” Dr. Flynn said.

Roxarsone is still approved for use in chickens and swine in Canada, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam and in poultry only in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Brazil, Australia, Pakistan and Jordan.

Representative Steve Israel, Democrat of New York, proposed legislation in 2009 banning roxarsone. “I’m relieved the decision was made to make our poultry safer and healthier and hope the F.D.A. will take the final step and ban roxarsone altogether,” Mr. Israel said.

Pfizer has promised not to resume sales of the drug until it has resolved F.D.A. concerns about it.

William Neuman contributed reporting.


The Vegetarian Diet for Health, Fitness and Performance

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

It is important to realize that people choose to follow vegetarian diets for a variety of reasons.  Many individuals today have taken a humane approach to diet and have opted to eliminate any and all animal products from their meal plans.  These individuals are referred to as Strict Vegans and obtain their nutrients from cereals, nuts, seeds, plants, grains and vegetables.  Others to a lesser extent feel that the consumption of animal derived foods such as eggs are an acceptable alternative; these individuals are known as Ovovegetarians.  The Lactovegetarian is one who will consume dairy products such as mild cheese and yogurt on a regular basis.  The Ovolactovegetarian consumes eggs and dairy products as part of their vegetarian approach.

Perhaps the most common approach to a vegetarian lifestyle is the Semivegetarian who for a variety of reasons has decided to eliminate all red meat while maintaining a diet that includes chicken, turkey and fish.  Finally, there are Pescovegetarians who eat fish but not poultry as part of their vegetarian regime.  No matter what the reasons are behind these dietary decisions, it is the responsibility of the nutrition and fitness specialist to understand the benefits and adversities related to these eating regimens, as nutrient deficiencies may occur if the diet is not properly planned.  As is the case with the strict-vegan, vitamin D and B12 may be deficient in the diet since these vitamins are not found in plants and vegetables.  Therefore, the strict vegan will need to consume products such as soy milk or a breakfast cereal that is fortified with vitamin D and B12.  Another alternative would be to use a dietary supplement. 

Mineral deficiencies such as iron, calcium and zinc may also occur in the strict vegan’s diet.  During the digestion of certain plant foods, compounds known as phytates and oxalates may form and bind to these minerals preventing them from being absorbed properly into the body.  As a result, plant foods rich in these particular minerals should be consumed on a regular basis and can be obtained from foods such as nuts, beans, broccoli, cabbage, whole wheat bread, peas and corn.

In strength and honor,
William “Billy” Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

For your individual nutrition and exercise program, visit us at www.intrafitt.com

Unlike all other commercial and independent diet and exercise programs in the world that encourage you to cut calories and increase your daily activity in an effort to promote weight loss (through a negative calorie balance) so that when you eventually gain all of the weight back; you will need to repeat the entire process again and again and again!  INTRAFITT (INTRA-Cellular Fitness) is a comprehensive Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program designed to teach you exactly How, What, When and Why to Eat, Exercise and Channel your Thoughts in order to achieve stable blood sugar and promote a favorable hormonal response.  This process in of itself directly influences the physchoneuroendocrinoimmunological (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunological) system of the body to promote the efficient wasting of excess energy (stored body fat) while simultaneously accelerating the synthesis of new biological proteins and lean body mass which inadvertently increases the metabolic rate thus making it virtually impossible for the body to store fat ever again!

 While this may seem like a mouthful…it is a fact!  “The INTRAFITT Program and Curriculum has NO Equal and is without question a program and curriculum that every living, breathing individual desiring to live life to the fullest should participate in!  There are NO Exceptions to this Rule!

Complete Proteins

Visit us at www.intrafitt.com so you too, can have your own individualized nutrition and exercise program.  Get fit for life eating whole, natural foods.  No potions, pills or shots!

It is commonly known among health professionals that complete proteins (animal derived) contain all the nine essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, histidine phenylalanine, and threonine).  These amino acids are termed essential because the human body cannot biosynthesize them, yet relies on their availability to prevent a number of deficiencies associated with the growth, maintenance and repair of the body proteins.  As a result, the essential amino acids must be supplied to the body via diet, and/or supplementation.  Listed below are a number of different biological proteins that the body must constantly biosyntheisze in order to maintain and regulate the normal day-to-day functioning of the organs and organ systems.  As you will see, dietary protein requirements are based on more than just the need to build and maintain the muscles of the body.

Within the human body, biological proteins are typically classified as one of the following:

Regulatory Proteins:  Enzymes such as the fat-burning enzymes in the mitochondria are necessary for the oxidation of fatty acids.  Hormones such as insulin and growth hormone regulate numerous biological processes and chemical reactions associated with the maintenance, growth and repair of the organs and organ systems.

Transportative Proteins:  Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

Protective Proteins:  Antibodies are the defense mechanisms that destroy antigens and fight infection within the body.

Contractive Proteins:  Actin and Myosin are the contractile proteins in muscle fiber that allow for muscles to contract and move.

Structural Proteins:  Collagen fibers form the structural framework in many parts of the body including the skin, hair and nails.

In strength and honor,
William (Billy) Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Listen to us every Sunday on http://www.wbt.com/  – 10 AM EST.  Call in and ask your questions!