Advanced Dietetics

In many ways the human energy system is similar to that of an automobile.  For instance, stored body fat and glycogen can be perceived as the fuel tank of the body and since calories are primarily burned in the muscle tissue (also referred to as oxidative tissue), we could consider it to be the engine.  The circulatory system would then serve as the fuel line enabling free fatty acids, amino acids and glucose to travel to the working muscles to be used for energy and other cellular work.

Just as a race car mechanic can build a high performance dragster, we have the ability to transform the human body into an ultra performance machine as well.  By understanding how proper nutrition and exercise directly influence the major regulatory systems of the body, we can achieve any level of health, fitness and performance that our genetic potential will allow.  Although highly specific dietary and exercise guidelines are essential for each individual, the basic principles associated with the overall improvement of biochemical alterations apply to everyone, healthy or otherwise.

PS-Log on to right now and get your own individualized nutrition and exercise program.  Begin today to reprogram your body, mind and spirit to be lean for life.  Any questions, send them to  I’d love to hear from you.

In good health and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

PPS-You can also pick up your Allied Health Care Certification from INTRAFITT!

INTRAFITT Testimonial from Dave

Dear Friends,

I decided to share one of our recent INTRAFITT testimonials with all of you.  Please log on to and get your individual nutrition plan.  You can reprogram your body, mind and spirit to be fit and lean for life.  Any questions, email me at

“I was recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes! What a shock! They wanted me to go on medication, but I was determined to correct my blood sugar level naturally. I started exercising at Fitness Together in Norwell, MA. 3 times per week, and changed my diet following Fitness Together’s recommended INTRAFITT Performance Nutrition Program.  Five months later my blood sugar was back to normal, with NO DRUGS! Even my doctor was impressed. By combining the Fitness Together Exercise Program along with, my INTRAFITT Performance Nutrition Program and some extra cardio exercise at home, I have lost 30 lbs of body fat in 6 months and everyone who knows me says I look 10 years younger and I feel it. Thanks to everyone at Fitness Together and INTRAFITT Nutrition!!”

Dave M.
Rockland, M A.

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

The Adverse Effects of Inactivity

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

It should now be clear that regular and consistent prolonged exercise performed at a moderate level of intensity is intrinsically involved in favorably altering the body’s chemistry.  Unfortunately, when regular and consistent exercise is not maintained, unfavorable biochemical changes are likely to occur.  Insulin  Resistance (the inability of the cells of the body to take up and use glucose efficiently) for example, is a condition that may result from years of inactivity combined with poor eating habits.  Although insulin is a hormone that is essential to live, prolonged and excess exposure to the peripheral tissues can actually inhibit lipolysis and accelerate fat stores within the body.  In fact, laboratory experiments have shown that animals injected with insulin became fatter even with no extra eating involved.

People suffering from insulin resistance may often encounter symptoms associated with hypoglycemia such as sugar cravings and lethargy because the glucose is not being used efficiently in their bodies.  In order to compensate for this metabolic aberration, the pancreatic cells will  often over-secrete insulin in an attempt to force the much-needed glucose into the target cells.  As a result, hyperinsulinemia can initiate two processes that may occur simultaneously:

1.  An increase of blood plasma lipogenesis (conversion of blood glucose to blood lipids).
2.  Non-reactive hypoglycemia resulting in unacceptably low levels of blood sugar, thus creating extreme hunger, lethargy, and acute headaches.

Most people who have extremely high levels of body fat usually have some degree of insulin resistance, which may predispose these individuals toward type II diabetes.  Insulin resistance can be exacerbated by inactivity, loss of lean tissue and as mentioned earlier, being extremely overweight.  In order to control the amount of insulin secreted by the body, proper diet and exercise must become a regular part of day-to-day activities.

Visit us any time at to reprogram your body to be fit and lean for life.  Learn about our certification programs and lots of additional information available on our site.

In honor and strength,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Email me any time at

Changing the Body’s Chemistry Through Exercise!

Today, scientists are able to perform “muscle biopsies” in which a small piece of muscle tissue is extracted from a specific  region of the body such as the leg in order to determine the various effects that exercise has on the production of specialized fat burning enzymes.  When muscle biopsies of endurance athletes are compared to those of untrained college students, it is clear that the athletes have a greater number of fat burning enzymes than the college students.  Additional studies have also shown that sedentary people can increase the number of fat burning enzymes in their own muscles by regularly participating in any type of prolonged moderately intense exercise.  These biochemical changes are extremely necessary in order to improve the fat burning efficiency of the body twenty-four hours per day.

In summary, once the fatty acids are released from stored adipose tissue into the bloodstream, they travel throughout the body becoming accessible to the working muscles and are utilized as a source of energy, especially in muscle tissue that is equipped with sufficient fat burning enzymes (also referred to as metabolic spark plugs).  If however, lean muscle tissue has been lost as a result of severe calorie restriction combined with incorrect exercise application, the fatty acids may not be used as a source of energy and instead may continue on through the bloodstream and re-deposit in the body’s fat stores for later use.

Exercise is essential!  Whether seeking to improve health, weight loss, muscular strength and endurance or simply contemplating the start of a fitness program, a certain amount of exercise each day is indispensable.  Regular exercise provides extreme benefits associated with physical, psychological, and social well-being and greatly improves the resistance to disease.

With evidence of these benefits, it’s a wonder more people don’t trade in their television sets for exercise equipment!

Will talk about the adverse effects of inactivity next time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In good health and honor,

Will Smith aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators

To reprogram your body, mind and spirit to be fit and lean for life, visit us at and start your new program today!

INTRAFITT Joins Forces with Ms. Nia Peeples in a Special Challenge!

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

 Dear Friends and Followers,

WE ARE SO EXCITED to share the news with you!  INTRAFITT has joined forces with one of our favorite people, Nia Pepples in her quest to begin her  “Elements of Life” Community Challenge.  Ms. Pepples is on a mission and extends an invitation to all her friends and followers to join her in this quest.

“Beginning Monday January 3rd, 2011,  she invites you, your family and friends to step into the new year with positive and tangible change that stems from your own empowered choices!  Ms. Nia Peeples (Best known for her acting roles in the hit TV series Fame, Walker Texas Ranger and the Young and the Restless) will begin discussing the long-awaited and anticipated “Elements of Life / Fitness Challenge” as she puts health & fitness back at the top of her priority list and invites you to do the same! Everyone and anyone interested in reorganizing their life around the principles of strengthening the mind, body, spirit continuum in order to create and achieve the life you’ve always wanted and dreamed of having is encouraged to participate in this once in a lifetime challenge!” Log in today at and participate with Nia and her “Elements of Life” Community in discussion and preparation for the long-awaited “Elements of Life” / 2011-6 Week Fitness Challenge that will begin on January 26th!

**The extra bonus in this challenge is not only will you have the Founder, President and CEO of INTRAFITT, Will Smith,  guiding and supporting you step by step throughout the entire 6-week process, you will also be encouraged and inspired by the one and only, Nia Peeples, who will not only be turning 50 years old in 2011 but who has also pioneered the soul seeking curriculum of the Elements of Life!

 To purchase your Individual Nutrition Program at special pricing…go to:

I look forward to this special challenge and to working with each and every one of you.  INTRAFITT is committed to helping you reprogram your mind, body and spirit to be fit, strong and healthy for life!

Happy New Year to all,
William Smith, aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators