Now What? I HAVE REACHED A FITNESS PLATEAU by Thunder aka Will Smith


I think I reached a Fitness Plateau! What causes those Fitness Plateaus and How to Overcome those Plateaus.  Well, ever wonder if your diet and/or exercise program could be working better than it is?  Maybe you should be eating fewer calories or less fat.  Maybe you should be exercising longer and/or harder.  Or maybe, there is a new supplement or product on the market that will yield the exact results you are looking for.  Now, if you could just find it.

If you’ve ever hit a fitness plateau, or think you have, there is no need to worry, you are not alone.  In fact, if you ask anyone who has been exercising for any length of time, they will probably tell you that fitness plateaus are inevitable and are perhaps the single most reason why people turn to a “Quick Fix” mindset or just abandon their efforts altogether.  Nevertheless, it is important to understand the difference between a “true” fitness plateau and the body’s intermittent biological adaptations.  Look at it this way, the human body is very much like an automobile, if you want to increase its power and efficiency, you need to modify the engine.  This may mean increasing the size of the engine and its fuel burning capabilities.  Similarly, this would be the same as increasing your lean muscle tissue and the fat burning enzymes contained within.

Your next question may be, how will I know if I’m increasing my body’s lean muscle tissue and fat burning enzymes effectively?  Simple, all you need to do is pay attention to your energy, strength and concentration levels throughout the day and pay attention to how soundly you sleep throughout the night.  Consistent levels of energy, strength and concentration, combined with a lack of sugar and food cravings, are a direct indication that your blood sugar is being properly regulated.  When this happens, your body begins to RE-Program itself to be fit and lean for the rest of your life.  If on the other hand, you find yourself skipping breakfast, snacking late in the evening, craving sugary foods and/or feeling tired and lethargic before, during and/or after exercise, your blood sugar is most likely irregular.  Under these conditions, it is probable that your body is being programmed to store fat efficiently while using various protein structures of the body as an energy source to fuel the brain and nervous system.  Therefore, if you seriously aspire to achieve and maintain optimal levels of energy, strength and concentration throughout the day, while increasing muscle tone and eliminating food and sugar cravings, there is only ONE alternative.

You must learn and apply the Six Elements of Fitness.  I will talk about that next time.

I can be reached at or call us at 704-781-0400.  Our Fit and Lean Forever Program is only $199.  Use coupon code finallyfit for discount.  I guarantee you results.  Look forward to hearing from you.

In health and honor,
Will Smith aka Thunder of the American Gladiators


For Health, Fitness & Performance…Lesson #1

Dear Friends, yesterday I suggested to you that the most important thing you could do to begin to be fit and lean for life is to stabilize your blood sugar.  Well, allow me to explain further:


Lesson #1:

Stable Blood Sugar is “The Limiting Factor” associated with the Acquisition and Maintenance of Any and All Health, Fitness and Performance Related Goals!”

No matter what your Health, Fitness and/or Performance related goals happen to be, you must first learn how to achieve and maintain stable blood sugar from the time you wake up in the morning until the time you go to bed at night! Why?! The answer is simple. Your brain and nervous system is considered the “Paramount” regulatory system of your body. This simply means that every organ, system and cell in your body is directly controlled and influenced by your brain and nervous system.

What makes this process so unique is the fact that the nerve cells (also referred to as “neurons”) that comprise the nervous system can only use glucose (also referred to as “blood sugar” which is derived primarily from the carbohydrates in your meals throughout the day), as a source of fuel to power its minute by minute vital need for energy. Consequently, if your blood sugar levels rise above or fall below the normal values (80mg/dl – 120 mg/dl) needed to maintain optimal neurological performance, your ability to think, walk, talk and control your emotions will be immediately compromised! This is to say nothing of the fact that when your blood sugar is erratic, every psycho-physiological system in your body is being programmed to work as inefficiently as possible; therefore accelerating and exacerbating the following processes:

Systemic fat storage, Loss of lean body mass, Fat burning enzymes and metabolism, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension just to name a few!


All INTRAFITT Online / Custom Nutrition and Exercise Programs are Fully Designed to Enable You to Achieve and Maintain Stable Blood Sugar by Providing You with the:

Proper Number of Calories (per meal), The Proper Nutrient Ratio (per meal) and The Proper Meal Intervals That You Will Need to Maintain on a Day to Day Basis to Ensure Your Immediate and Long Term Success!

To Learn More about the 6 Elemenst of Fitness or to Access a Complimentary Nutrition & Fitness Assessment visit us at

 If you would Like To Speak with a Certified INTRAFITT Technician, Simply Email us at or call toll free 888.212.6622.


In strength and honor,
William Smith, aka (Thunder of the American Gladiators)


Change Your Heart, Change Your Mind, Change your Life

Think about it.

Are you willing to change your mind?

Are you focused on the most positive outcome of any given situation?

What is the true motive of your desired outcome?

According to our belief system as followers of Jesus Christ, Taken from the Holy Bible,

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,…”

In agreement with our belief system;

We are made up of three parts,

1. Spirit- The Supernatural part, the depth of our creative being.

2. Soul- Our mind, will and emotions.

3.Body- The vehicle that houses our Spirit and Soul.

With that in mind, What is and what has been, the influence of your belief system?

I encourage you to evaluate each area. And let’s be honest, we all want the best results for ourselves. So let’s start from the core of our being and build from there. “ You cannot Conquer what you do not Confront”.

Consider this, according to , “Proverbs 23:7, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he…”.

In efforts to achieve a healthy belief system, Who is in your drivers seat?

I leave you with this:

John 10:10 “The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I(Jesus) came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

If you suffer form a chronic and degenerative disease such as CHD, Diabetes, Cancer, etc…know this….YOU CAN HEAL YOUR BODY!!!  The first step however is that you must heal your SPIRIT!  Check out this video: Cancer IS Curable NOW!!!


Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Prevention and Treatment

Dear Friends,   This article was written by one of our INTRAFITT followers, John O’Connor.  John is convinced that healthy living and proper nutrition can prevent and/or delay hearing loss.  He shares his knowledge with us and we thank him for it.

Remember to log on to for your personal online nutrition program. 

Noise Induced Hearing Loss: Prevention and Treatment

According to a Cleveland Clinic report, nearly 36 million Americans have hearing loss. In one out of three people, noise exposure contributed to their hearing loss. Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) is one of the most common causes of hearing loss today. Fortunately, it is preventable with some healthy lifestyle changes.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss

Noise induced hearing loss results from damage to the tiny hair cell structures in the inner ear. Hair cells convert sound into electrical signals that travel from the ear to the brain. Noise-damaged hair cells cannot grow back and result in permanent hearing loss.

Noise Exposure Risk Factors

Noise can harm hearing in two ways: constant noise for an extended period of time or loud, impact noise for a short duration of time. Noise exposure occurs in occupational and recreational situations as well as in the home or office.

Firefighters, police officers, construction workers, factory workers, musicians, entertainers and military personnel often work in loud or noisy environments. Noise exposure also occur through recreational items and activities like fireworks, music concerts, dance clubs, shooting ranges, motorcycles, sporting events, lawn equipment and power tools.

Hearing Loss Prevention

Americans can take steps to protect their ears and prevent hearing loss due to noise exposure. The Mayo Clinic offers three healthy living tips for preventing NIHL and lessening age-related hearing loss. These include ear protection, regular hearing tests and noise avoidance.

Workers can protect their ears in a noisy workplace by wearing earplugs or earmuffs. Specially designed gear can bring down loud sounds to an acceptable level. Many pre-formed foam or custom-molded rubber earplugs offer effective protection from damaging sounds.

Regular hearing tests are extremely important for anyone who works in a loud or noisy environment. Hearing tests provide early detection of NIHL and help people take additional steps to protect their ears and prevent hearing loss.

Some of the best recreational activities are the hardest ones on hearing. Earplugs and other hearing protectors are essential during many of these activities. Often, the best prevention is turning the noise down or walking away from it.

Hearing Loss Treatments

Of the millions of Americans with some degree of hearing loss, almost two-thirds have permanent damage to their high-frequency hearing due to NIHL. Fortunately, help is available. The treatment options depend on the severity of hearing loss.

Hearing loss caused by inner ear damage may benefit from a hearing aid or hearing aids. These assistive devices make sounds stronger and easier to hear. An audiologist can determine the degree of hearing loss and recommend a device. Inexpensive, over-the-ear microphone hearing aids are effective for some patients. They may need to try more than one hearing aid to find the best device.

Cochlear implants are a treatment option for people with severe hearing loss. Unlike hearing aids that amplify sound, cochlear implants compensate for damaged structures in the inner ear. Audiologists work with ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialists to determine the best surgical treatments for patients with hearing loss.

Be sure to visit me at our website: or email me anytime at!  I would especially like to hear from you if you are trying to reconcile diabetes or any other health-related disease including hearing loss.

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators


Some Must Know Facts about Diabetes

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,

I have come across a couple of articles that relate to health and diabetes
that I find absolutely fascinating; not because it is good news, but rather
news that we all need to know.  As you read this and think – well I am not
obese or even overweight so it doesn’t apply to me — then think again.  
This is really an indictment of our total food supply and our way of life.


The first is an article carried by (Reuters)- It ran in the LA Times on July 7, 2011.
By Lisa Baertlein.   Some of the excerpts are:

The number of obese US adults rose in 16 states last year, helping to push obesity
rates in a dozen states above 30 %…

While the number of states showing significant year-over-year increases in obesity

“Today’s state with the lowest adult obesity rate would have had the highest rate in
1995″ said Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health.

Four years ago, only one US state had an adult obesity rate above 30 per cent,
according to the report, which defines adult obesity as having a body mass index
– a weight to height ratio — of 30 or more.

Over the last two decades, people in the US have been eating less nutritious food
and more of it.  At the same time, activity levels have fallen, Levi said.

In the United States — where two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children
are obese or overweight — the obesity epidemic is sending healthcare costs higher
and threatening everything from worker productivity to military recruitment.

The report released on Thursday showed that over the past 15 years, seven states
have doubled their rate of obesity and 10 states have doubled their rate of diabetes.

I urge you to check our website at for your personalized nutrition program.  All accessible on line in the comfort of your own home/office.  Email me with any questions at :

In strength and honor,

William Smith, aka/Thunder of the American Gladiator 

The Adverse Effects of Inactivity

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

The Adverse Effects of Inactivity

 It should now be clear that regular and consistent prolonged exercise performed at a moderate level of intensity is intrinsically involved in favorably altering the body’s chemistry.  Unfortunately, when regular and consistent exercise is not maintained, unfavorable biochemical changes are likely to occur.  Insulin  Resistance (the inability of the cells of the body to take up and use glucose efficiently) for example, is a condition that may result from years of inactivity combined with poor eating habits.  Although insulin is a hormone that is essential to live, prolonged and excess exposure to the peripheral tissues can actually inhibit lipolysis and accelerate fat stores within the body.  In fact, laboratory experiments have shown that animals injected with insulin became fatter even with no extra eating involved.

People suffering from insulin resistance may often encounter symptoms associated with hypoglycemia such as sugar cravings and lethargy because the glucose is not being used efficiently in their bodies.  In order to compensate for this metabolic aberration, the pancreatic cells will  often over-secrete insulin in an attempt to force the much-needed glucose into the target cells.  As a result, hyperinsulinemia can initiate two processes that may occur simultaneously:

1.  An increase of blood plasma lipogenesis (conversion of blood glucose to blood lipids).
2.  Non-reactive hypoglycemia resulting in unacceptably low levels of blood sugar, thus creating extreme hunger, lethargy, and acute headaches.

Most people who have extremely high levels of body fat usually have some degree of insulin resistance, which may predispose these individuals toward type II diabetes.  Insulin resistance can be exacerbated by inactivity, loss of lean tissue and as mentioned earlier, being extremely overweight.  In order to control the amount of insulin secreted by the body, proper diet and exercise must become a regular part of day-to-day activities.

Visit us any time at to reprogram your body to be fit and lean for life.  Learn about our certification programs and lots of additional information available on our site.

In honor and strength,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Email me any time at

Some “Must Know” Facts about Diabetes!

Dear Friends,

I have come across a couple of articles that relate to health and diabetes
that I find absolutely fascinating; not because it is good news, but rather
news that we all need to know.  As you read this and think – well I am not
obese or even overweight so it doesn’t apply to me — then think again.  
This is really an indictment of our total food supply and our way of life.


The first is an article carried by (Reuters)- It ran in the LA Times on July 7, 2011.
By Lisa Baertlein.   Some of the excerpts are:

The number of obese US adults rose in 16 states last year, helping to push obesity
rates in a dozen states above 30 %…

While the number of states showing significant year-over-year increases in obesity

“Today’s state with the lowest adult obesity rate would have had the highest rate in
1995” said Jeff Levi, executive director of the Trust for America’s Health.

Four years ago, only one US state had an adult obesity rate above 30 per cent,
according to the report, which defines adult obesity as having a body mass index
— a weight to height ratio — of 30 or more.

Over the last two decades, people in the US have been eating less nutritious food
and more of it.  At the same time, activity levels have fallen, Levi said.

In the United States — where two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children
are obese or overweight — the obesity epidemic is sending healthcare costs higher
and threatening everything from worker productivity to military recruitment.

The report released on Thursday showed that over the past 15 years, seven states
have doubled their rate of obesity and 10 states have doubled their rate of diabetes.

I urge you to check our website at for your personalized nutrition program.  All accessible on line in the comfort of your own home/office.  Email me with any questions at :

In strength and honor,

William Smith, aka/Thunder of the American Gladiators



The Vegetarian Diet for Health, Fitness and Performance

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

It is important to realize that people choose to follow vegetarian diets for a variety of reasons.  Many individuals today have taken a humane approach to diet and have opted to eliminate any and all animal products from their meal plans.  These individuals are referred to as Strict Vegans and obtain their nutrients from cereals, nuts, seeds, plants, grains and vegetables.  Others to a lesser extent feel that the consumption of animal derived foods such as eggs are an acceptable alternative; these individuals are known as Ovovegetarians.  The Lactovegetarian is one who will consume dairy products such as mild cheese and yogurt on a regular basis.  The Ovolactovegetarian consumes eggs and dairy products as part of their vegetarian approach.

Perhaps the most common approach to a vegetarian lifestyle is the Semivegetarian who for a variety of reasons has decided to eliminate all red meat while maintaining a diet that includes chicken, turkey and fish.  Finally, there are Pescovegetarians who eat fish but not poultry as part of their vegetarian regime.  No matter what the reasons are behind these dietary decisions, it is the responsibility of the nutrition and fitness specialist to understand the benefits and adversities related to these eating regimens, as nutrient deficiencies may occur if the diet is not properly planned.  As is the case with the strict-vegan, vitamin D and B12 may be deficient in the diet since these vitamins are not found in plants and vegetables.  Therefore, the strict vegan will need to consume products such as soy milk or a breakfast cereal that is fortified with vitamin D and B12.  Another alternative would be to use a dietary supplement. 

Mineral deficiencies such as iron, calcium and zinc may also occur in the strict vegan’s diet.  During the digestion of certain plant foods, compounds known as phytates and oxalates may form and bind to these minerals preventing them from being absorbed properly into the body.  As a result, plant foods rich in these particular minerals should be consumed on a regular basis and can be obtained from foods such as nuts, beans, broccoli, cabbage, whole wheat bread, peas and corn.

In strength and honor,
William “Billy” Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

For your individual nutrition and exercise program, visit us at

Unlike all other commercial and independent diet and exercise programs in the world that encourage you to cut calories and increase your daily activity in an effort to promote weight loss (through a negative calorie balance) so that when you eventually gain all of the weight back; you will need to repeat the entire process again and again and again!  INTRAFITT (INTRA-Cellular Fitness) is a comprehensive Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program designed to teach you exactly How, What, When and Why to Eat, Exercise and Channel your Thoughts in order to achieve stable blood sugar and promote a favorable hormonal response.  This process in of itself directly influences the physchoneuroendocrinoimmunological (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunological) system of the body to promote the efficient wasting of excess energy (stored body fat) while simultaneously accelerating the synthesis of new biological proteins and lean body mass which inadvertently increases the metabolic rate thus making it virtually impossible for the body to store fat ever again!

 While this may seem like a mouthful…it is a fact!  “The INTRAFITT Program and Curriculum has NO Equal and is without question a program and curriculum that every living, breathing individual desiring to live life to the fullest should participate in!  There are NO Exceptions to this Rule!

Is Protein Used For Energy?

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Although carbohydrates and fats are the body’s primary fuel source during rest and exercise, amino acids such as Leucin, Isoleucine, Valine and Glutamine are also used for energy purposes especially during long bouts of exercise.  In fact, in the later stages of prolonged endurance exercise, protein may contribute up to 15% of the total energy used by the muscles.  Individual metabolic variables, the nutritional status, biological conditions and behavioral factors will ultimately determine the rate and to what extent amino acids are used for energy during rest and exercise in each individual.

Incomplete Proteins (plant and vegetable derived) are quite different from Complete proteins in a variety of ways and are commonly referred to as protein containing foods because they do not contain adequate levels of all of the nine essential amino acids and because they are usually higher in carbohydrates than they are in protein.  For example, the protein contained in a one and a half ounce serving of pasta equated to approximately six grams of incomplete protein, thirty two grams of carbohydrates and 165 calories.    However in a one and a half ounce chicken breast you will get ten grams of complete protein, zero carbohydrates and only 45 calories.

As you can see, the protein yield in the chicken breast is almost twice as high when compared to the pasta, whereas the calorie yield is nearly 70% lower.  It is important to point out that animal meats are approximately 70% water, which contributes to the low-calorie content on a per ounce basis when compared to that of a carbohydrate rich food.  Perhaps this is one reason why popular diet themes today suggest high-protein/low carbohydrate meal plans to promote weight loss.

In strength and honor,
William (Billy) Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Visit us at to purchase your individual nutrition program.  Any questions, I am  Hope to hear from you soon.

Complete Proteins

Visit us at so you too, can have your own individualized nutrition and exercise program.  Get fit for life eating whole, natural foods.  No potions, pills or shots!

It is commonly known among health professionals that complete proteins (animal derived) contain all the nine essential amino acids (valine, leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, histidine phenylalanine, and threonine).  These amino acids are termed essential because the human body cannot biosynthesize them, yet relies on their availability to prevent a number of deficiencies associated with the growth, maintenance and repair of the body proteins.  As a result, the essential amino acids must be supplied to the body via diet, and/or supplementation.  Listed below are a number of different biological proteins that the body must constantly biosyntheisze in order to maintain and regulate the normal day-to-day functioning of the organs and organ systems.  As you will see, dietary protein requirements are based on more than just the need to build and maintain the muscles of the body.

Within the human body, biological proteins are typically classified as one of the following:

Regulatory Proteins:  Enzymes such as the fat-burning enzymes in the mitochondria are necessary for the oxidation of fatty acids.  Hormones such as insulin and growth hormone regulate numerous biological processes and chemical reactions associated with the maintenance, growth and repair of the organs and organ systems.

Transportative Proteins:  Hemoglobin transports oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.

Protective Proteins:  Antibodies are the defense mechanisms that destroy antigens and fight infection within the body.

Contractive Proteins:  Actin and Myosin are the contractile proteins in muscle fiber that allow for muscles to contract and move.

Structural Proteins:  Collagen fibers form the structural framework in many parts of the body including the skin, hair and nails.

In strength and honor,
William (Billy) Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Listen to us every Sunday on  – 10 AM EST.  Call in and ask your questions!