INTRAFITT Sports Performance & Training Info

Folks,  I can’t wait to share this information with you…

Welcome to the INTRAFITT Sports Performance Nutrition & Training Curriculum!  We are elated to offer this new and improved conditioning package as the basis and foundation for education and results in the world of sports performance!  In order to excel in this world, you must be able to visualize victory because losing is not an option!  In order to achieve and maintain this level of focus and expectancy, you must adopt the proper attitude!   If you intend to rise up and become the very best you can be; you must learn to overcome mental and physical weakness while exchanging complacencyfor commitment, excuses for excellence and disregard for disciplineanddetermination“ matter what!

If you feel you have what it takes to engage in the INTRAFITT Sports Performance Nutrition & Training Curriculum, shoot me an email…

Looking forward to hearing from you.

In strength and honor,
Will Smith, aka Thunder of American Gladiators



The Vegetarian Diet for Health, Fitness and Performance

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

It is important to realize that people choose to follow vegetarian diets for a variety of reasons.  Many individuals today have taken a humane approach to diet and have opted to eliminate any and all animal products from their meal plans.  These individuals are referred to as Strict Vegans and obtain their nutrients from cereals, nuts, seeds, plants, grains and vegetables.  Others to a lesser extent feel that the consumption of animal derived foods such as eggs are an acceptable alternative; these individuals are known as Ovovegetarians.  The Lactovegetarian is one who will consume dairy products such as mild cheese and yogurt on a regular basis.  The Ovolactovegetarian consumes eggs and dairy products as part of their vegetarian approach.

Perhaps the most common approach to a vegetarian lifestyle is the Semivegetarian who for a variety of reasons has decided to eliminate all red meat while maintaining a diet that includes chicken, turkey and fish.  Finally, there are Pescovegetarians who eat fish but not poultry as part of their vegetarian regime.  No matter what the reasons are behind these dietary decisions, it is the responsibility of the nutrition and fitness specialist to understand the benefits and adversities related to these eating regimens, as nutrient deficiencies may occur if the diet is not properly planned.  As is the case with the strict-vegan, vitamin D and B12 may be deficient in the diet since these vitamins are not found in plants and vegetables.  Therefore, the strict vegan will need to consume products such as soy milk or a breakfast cereal that is fortified with vitamin D and B12.  Another alternative would be to use a dietary supplement. 

Mineral deficiencies such as iron, calcium and zinc may also occur in the strict vegan’s diet.  During the digestion of certain plant foods, compounds known as phytates and oxalates may form and bind to these minerals preventing them from being absorbed properly into the body.  As a result, plant foods rich in these particular minerals should be consumed on a regular basis and can be obtained from foods such as nuts, beans, broccoli, cabbage, whole wheat bread, peas and corn.

In strength and honor,
William “Billy” Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

For your individual nutrition and exercise program, visit us at

Unlike all other commercial and independent diet and exercise programs in the world that encourage you to cut calories and increase your daily activity in an effort to promote weight loss (through a negative calorie balance) so that when you eventually gain all of the weight back; you will need to repeat the entire process again and again and again!  INTRAFITT (INTRA-Cellular Fitness) is a comprehensive Individualized Nutrition and Exercise Program designed to teach you exactly How, What, When and Why to Eat, Exercise and Channel your Thoughts in order to achieve stable blood sugar and promote a favorable hormonal response.  This process in of itself directly influences the physchoneuroendocrinoimmunological (Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunological) system of the body to promote the efficient wasting of excess energy (stored body fat) while simultaneously accelerating the synthesis of new biological proteins and lean body mass which inadvertently increases the metabolic rate thus making it virtually impossible for the body to store fat ever again!

 While this may seem like a mouthful…it is a fact!  “The INTRAFITT Program and Curriculum has NO Equal and is without question a program and curriculum that every living, breathing individual desiring to live life to the fullest should participate in!  There are NO Exceptions to this Rule!

Complete Protein vs Incomplete Protein…What is the Difference?

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

For the most part, dietary proteins can be divided into two categories; Complete Proteins which are those derived from animal sources such as chicken, fish, eggs, beef, turkey, milk, yogurt, and cheese and Incomplete Proteins such as those derived from plant and vegetable sources including nuts, seeds, rice, pasta and beans.  Quantitatively and qualitatively speaking, complete proteins are superior in amino acid content and bioavailable nitrogen per unit weight than incomplete proteins.  This is important to realize because the role of amino acids in human metabolism is to not only build and maintain the tissues of the body but also to transport, regulate, protect and maintain a variety of other metabolic processes.

Please send all questions to  Join me on Sunday mornings at at 10 AM EST for my new radio show or log onto to and listen to it 24/7 under Media Center.

In strength and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder

Next time we will discuss the role that amino acids play in the hormonal regulation of lipolysis and beta-oxidation.

What Percentage of Our Meals should Be Made Up of Carbs?

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

In order to achieve optimal levels of health, fitness and performance, a carbohydrate intake of approximately 50 – 60% of an individual’s recommended dietary calories should be maintained.  Although the range of these percentages seems insignificant, the hormonal effects produced when eaten in the proper ratio with dietary protein and fat can be quite influential and have a powerful impact on the regulatory systems that directly affect metabolism.  Keep in mind that, as with all nutrients, the specific amount needed from one person to the next is entirely based on individual metabolic variables, environmental stressors and behavioral factors.

Visit us at so you too, can have your own individualized nutrition and exercise program.  Get fit for life eating whole, natural foods.  No potions, pills or shots!

In health and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

PS-Join us on Sundays at 10:00 AM (EST) at for our new radio show.  Give us a call and ask any nutrition question that you have been pondering for decades or since yesterday!

Dietary Fiber

Although technically not a nutrient, dietary fiber has recently been referred to as the seventh essential nutrient due to the number of health implications associated with this compound.  For example, after ingestion, dietary fiber, particularly Water-Insoluble Fiber has a tendency to hold water, therefore, adding bulk to the food particles or residues that may not have been absorbed in the small intestine.  This bulking action increases stool volume and weight by as much as 40%-100% and has been linked to a possible cleansing effect on the surface of the intestinal wall and colon by diluting harmful chemicals or by neutralizing their activity and therefore reducing the chances of contracting colon cancer and other gastrointestinal disorders.  Water-Soluble Fibers on the other hand (such as oatmeal) have a greater tendency to bind with various substances such as carcinogens (cancer causing agents) in the GI tract and bile salts, which are manufactured in the liver and which contain cholesterol.  Bile salts are often times reabsorbed into the body however, the binding effects of water-soluble fibers have been associated with the excretion of bile salts and now have scientists believing that a diet high in Water-Soluble Fiber may lead to lower serum cholesterol levels.

As indicated, dietary fiber exists in two basic forms, Walter Soluble and Water-Insoluble.  Water-Soluble dietary fibers include Guar guns and pectins (also referred to as Mucilaginous fibers) such as those found in oatmeal, beans, peas, carrots and a variety of fruits.  Water-Insoluble fibers such as cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are found in wheat bran, corn and brown rice.

Any questions, email me at

In health and honor,
William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Visit us at and get started on your own, personalized nutrition program today.  Start to reprogram your body to be fit and lean for life!

Full Range Contractions

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Full Range Contractions are the foundation to building muscle quickly and efficiently!  Often times in today’s health & fitness publications we read articles directly associating muscular strength and size with heavy weight training.  It is important to realize that although resistance is an important factor in developing muscular strength and hypertrophy it is NOT the “limiting factor”.  Instead, the most important element is an increase in the tension of force that a muscle must generate.  This is accomplished by using a strength training application referred to as “FULL RANGE CONTRACTIONS”. 

For example, when performing a biceps curl, consciously contract your biceps at the beginning of the exercise and hold the contraction as hard as you can while you perform each repetition of the exercise throughout the full range of motion.  By integrating this applied science you will automatically increase the number of contracting fibers involved in the movement, subsequently increasing the force generating capacity (strength) of the biceps and therefore allowing for the use of heavier weights.  The consistent use of Full Range Contractions with all of your strength training exercises will inevitably accelerate muscular growth and hypertrophy while dramatically reducing the risk of injury.

Another way to explain the effects of Full Range Contractions is in the analogy of a closet door that is stuck and will not open.  In order to open the door, one of two methods can be used.  The first method involves gently placing your hands on the door, then slowly beginning to push until you are pushing with all of your effort.  Although the door may not open, the muscles being used to push on the door are most likely generating maximum force (which in turn promotes and accelerates muscular strength and hypertrophy).  On the other hand, if you took a couple of steps away from the door and got a running start, the power and momentum of your body mass, once you hit the door would generate enough force to open the door.  Unfortunately, the muscles did not directly generate the force.  Instead, speed and momentum were the force generating factors.  This is essentially what is happening when speed, momentum and leverage are used to swing, bounce or hoist a particular weight (sometimes referred to as Explosive Training) in an attempt to increase the size and strength of a muscle.

In summary, muscular growth and strength does not occur efficiently as a result of using momentum or by swinging heavy weights up and down through a specific movement.  Instead, it is an increase in the tension or force that a muscle must generate throughout the entire range of motion during any given exercise.  There is a significant difference between a muscle generating force and a muscle swinging heavy weights.  Although “Explosive Training” may have its advantages for certain athletes, it is not recommended for building and strengthening the muscles efficiently and may very well cause severe injuries.

Visit us at or email me with questions to

In strength and honor,

Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

The Importance of Exercise for Weight Control & Optimal Health

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Exercise is without a doubt a major ingredient in the “fat burning recipe”.  The other major ingredient, proper nutrition, will most likely never be effective by itself.

Unsuccessful attempts at reducing body fat continue to prevail and are largely due to an inadequate approach to exercise.  Even today with a suggested exercise pyramid, obesity and other chronic and degenerative diseases continue to escalate.  Just as we concern ourselves with nutrient deficiencies that can ultimately lead to death under extreme conditions, exercise deficiencies associated with an inactive lifestyle are not being linked to a number of severe physiological and psychological health problems such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, intestinal disorders, accelerated bone loss, muscle atrophy, insomnia, and many others.  Studies comparing fitness and mortality have concluded that even moderate levels of activity appear to offer protective agents against early mortality.  Unfortunately, the value of exercise has been extremely underrated in the United States as less than half of the population participates in regular exercise each day.  Other reasons supporting a sedentary lifestyle include finding time to exercise with a busy schedule, viewing exercise as an additional task to an already work filled day and the misconceptions that exercise causes slower weight loss.

From the standpoint of taking the easy road, the most difficult task in rearranging a daily routine is to replace conveniences with tasks that require effort.  Regardless of the above reasons not to exercise, there are a number of compelling reasons to begin and maintain an effective exercise program.  Of chief importance is the fact that a regular and properly conducted exercise program can significantly decrease body fat stores.  Furthermore, regular exercise helps to maintain lean muscle mass, increase the metabolic rate, accelerate fat burning enzymes (located in muscle tissue) and promote biochemical and intra-muscular changes which are essential for long-term weight management.

To put things in perspective, consider this that excess body fat may have relatively little to do with the total amount of food eaten; instead, it appears that the amount of fat that the human body is able to store and conserve may be directly related to the amount of daily physical activity that the body is forced to engage in.  Take for example wild animals which are both active and lean, when placed in cages and fed the same amount of food they are accustomed to eating, they inevitably become fatter.

Similar changes are seen in people who are assigned desk jobs after having been physically active most of their lives.  Consequently, people who do not participate in regular exercise progressively become fatter regardless of whether they restrict their food intake or not.  Increased activity also promotes an increased metabolic rate which may stay elevated for several hours following prolonged exercise.  This makes the exercising person a high calorie burner with an increased ability to waste excess energy as opposed to the sedentary person whose body conserves energy at every opportunity.

Inactivity may not be the only reason that the body is able to efficiently store fat.  Severe calorie restriction in itself can promote the storage of body fat through a process called gluconeogenesis (the process of converting protein to glucose).  During this process, body proteins are actually dismantled to be used for energy in the place of much needed calories.  As a result, a person who loses twenty pounds of body weight by restricting calories may lose as much as ten pounds of lean body mass.  This may look like a positive result as measured by the scale, however, a loss of lean muscle tissue can greatly decrease the body’s ability to burn fat.  Remember that fat is primarily burned inside the muscles.  Ultimately, if the main objective is to lose body fat, it is far more important to be concerned with the loss of body fat (as discerned by skin fold thickness), not body weight.

In good health and happiness,
Will Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

 Please visit us on the web at to learn how to reprogram your body to be fit and lean for life! 

Interested in becoming a licensed trainer…visit us on the web at for a list of our certification programs.

All questions can be directed to


To Lose Weight and Tone Up, Proper Calorie Intake is Essential!

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,  I’d like to begin discussing the Six Elements of Fitness with the very first element being proper calorie intake.  These Elements of Fitness must be considered in order to achieve any health and fitness-related goal.  Why?  The reason is simple.  The human body is made up of several systems and sub-systems, all of which require a certain amount of fuel in order to function efficiently.  For example, the brain and nervous system require a constant and steady supply of glucose, which is primarily derived from the carbohydrate rich foods that we eat on a daily basis.  If glucose is not readily available to these organ systems, neural and hormonal messages are sent throughout the body, causing several adverse effects to take place.  The most significant and immediate effect resulting from this state of low blood sugar, is a condition known as “hypoglycemia”.  This condition often times results from one or more of the following:

  • Skipping meals
  • Waiting too long between meals
  • Severely restricting calories (in order to encourage weight loss)
  • Exercising for a long period of time (usually at too high of an intensity)
  • Consistently eating meals that are disproportionately high in carbohydrates

Consequently, hypoglycemic symptoms such as hunger, fatigue, irritability, nervousness, depression and anxiety will most likely occur.  Secondary effects resulting from repetitive periods of low blood sugar, which are perhaps more damaging in the long term yet show no immediate physiological and/or psychological signs, include:

  • Elevated set-point (also referred to as the “fat thermostat”)
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased cravings for high calorie and sugary foods (such as chocolate)
  • Increased body fat conservation

The resulting factor of these secondary hypoglycemic effects are a decreased rate of fat metabolism and an increased rate of fat storage.  Furthermore, when these vital systems (the brain and nervous system) are repeatedly subjected to conditions of hypoglycemia, the body recognizes the need to “lighten the load” in the sense that any energy-consuming tissue (lean muscle tissue) may ultimately be eliminated resulting in rapid weight loss.

It is important to understand that lean muscle tissue is the engine of the body, whereas fat tissue (which provides the most concentrated source of fuel to the muscles) is the fuel tank.  In other words, body fat is typically burned in muscle tissue.  Therefore, the more conditioned muscle tissue your body has, the more fat it will burn.  Unfortunately, individuals desiring to obtain a lean tone look, once they have lowered their body weight, nay find that they have only become a smaller version of themselves because the weight they lost may have been as much as 50% lean body mass.

Remember that proper calorie intake provides the foundation of every successful nutrition regimen and is essential when trying to obtain any fitness and conditioning objective effectively.  It is also important to realize that proper calorie intake should be established on a meal-by-meal basis, not on a daily basis.  This is paramount because the body’s hormonal systems (the systems which directly control fat metabolism) can be favorably influenced for three to six hours after each meal.  Therefore, it would not make sense to eat a varying number of calories throughout the day, as this would most likely cause erratic blood sugar levels and consequent sugar cravings and related hypoglycemic symptoms.

Until next time……why not visit us at and sign up for your individual nutrition plan.

In good health,

William Smith/aka Thunder of the American Gladiators

Improving Muscular Strength & Hypertrophy

William Smith is the President / CEO and Founder of the INTRAFITT Corporation which was established in California in 1992. Will has won more than twenty-eight bodybuilding championships and is also known for his role as “THUNDER” on television’s American Gladiator between 1990 – 1992. He is a National and International Speaker on Performance Nutrition and Exercise Science.

Dear Friends,

As a general rule, muscles that are trained close to their force generating capacity will increase in both size and strength.  The various types of contractions that may be applied in order to accomplish this objective include:

Isotonic Contractions: require the use of standard weight lifting equipment
Isometric Contractions: require the use of immovable bars, handles, etc.
Isokinetic Contractions: require the use of special mechanical devices

Although each of the above contractions are effective for both strengthening muscles and producing muscular growth, it is important to point out that muscular development is ultimately dependent on two factors: 1) The degree of overload (amount of resistance used) and 2) The corresponding force that a muscle must generate in order to overcome the  resistance.  Equally important is the fact that an increase in muscular size and strength is NOT climactically dependent on the specific strength training method or protocol used.

The most common type of contraction used to strength and condition muscles involves isotonic exercises that require the use of standard weight lifting equipment.  During this particular contraction, the muscles are subjected to a varying resistance that changes throughout the entire range of motion and results in two types of “sub contractions”.  These include:

Picture 2: A Concentric Contraction causes muscles to become shorter as they contract and

Picture 3 is an Eccentric Contraction that causes muscles to become longer while developing tension.

At another time we will discuss the applied sciences of  isotonic training, one of which is referred to as “Full Range Contractions”.  It has been postulated that full range voluntary contractions play an intrinsic role in the development of muscular strength and hypertrophy while minimizing the total time, volume, and frequency associated with conventional strength training applications.

Furthermore, the use of Full Range Contractions during strength training can dramatically reduce the risk of injuries to the tendons, ligaments, joints and/or muscles.

Visit us at  Buy your customized nutrition program now.  You’ll be glad you did.  Eat your own food and we promise you, you will NOT be hungry!  Eat your way to reprogramming  your body to be fit and lean for life!